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Packing Problems

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New Member
Apr 20, 2005
I haven't yet read a clear definition of packing. I read that you get air in your cheeks and force it to your lungs. When I get air in my cheeks and press it down how do I know if it is going to my stomach or to my lungs. After doing what Im doing to the max I start burping. This makes me think Im doing it to my stomach, which wouldnt be helpful. Thank you in advance!!!!!!
If you're burping, it's propably going the wrong way.

I can't really explain how it should "feel", except if you do it right, you will feel a unmistakeable feeling of pressure mounting on your chest after a few times of correct packing.

Some people call it "swollowing air", that is in correct. It has nothing to do with swollowing...That way your only get air in your stomach.
how can you tell the difference whether its going into your lungs or into your stomach? i think when i do it, it is going into my stomach because it makes be burp. any tips???
if you are pushing it into your stomach you will feel just like when you are eating. It is really simple but difficult to explain by just typing. If you follow the excersises in Eric's document it will become more clear. Once you do it right you will feel definite growing pressure in your chest which doesnt happend when you swallow it into your stomach.

Like Jome said, it is not like swallowing at all so forget about doing a swallowing motion. Take air into your mouth, open your throat as if you were going to swallow a sword (it may help if you tilt your head back) and push the air back with your cheeks or with the back of your tongue. Do NOT use your throat or "gulp".
from what you described it seems as though I am doing it correctly. i dont feel a swallowing motion at all. Im kind of pressing air down. I just dont know where down is
Have you tried doing a full inhale and packing until you cannot pack any longer? If you are doing it right you should begin to feel very unconfortable and nearly impossible to continue packing.
Sometimes. I think sometimes when packing just before a big dynamic or static effort I might get a bit of air into my stomach by accident. It doesn't happen all the time but it happens occasionally, and if it does happen it's when I am packing near my max.

The tight feeling in the chest (for me it's around the sternum) is the probably the best indication that you are packing into your lungs.

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