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Panasonic DMC-TZ5

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Dairyland diver
Apr 7, 2001
It seems that you need to update your didigtal camera every coupleof years because things change so fast these day- which is just one reason why I haven't made the jump to a housed DSLR.

After owning an Olympus 5050 and a Casio Z1000 I was really looking at the Coolpix 5100 and the Canon G9. Through all of the reading I did I ended up going with something completely different- the Panasonic TZ5.

DMC-TZ5K - Lumix Digital Cameras - Shop and Compare at Panasonic

Panasonic | DMW-MCTZ5 UW Housing f/ Panasonic | DMW-MCTZ5 | B&H

Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ5 / TZ15 review Cameralabs video review

The Coolpix had the ability to add on an external lens, but it used a Fantasea housing and another diver I know on here has had some serious probelms with Fantasea this past year- it would take a whole other thread to explain everything they've done worng so far, but it was enough to scare me off from buying anyhting from them.

The G9 had some nice video features, but the RAW mode was more than I needed- since I don't have the editing software to take advantage of it and it slows down the write-to-card time quite a bit. This isn't an issue when shooting macro subjects on scuba but does make a difference for faster moving fish while freediving.

On another camera website they reccomended taking a look at this Panasonic- which I had never used before and knew nothing about. I went into a shop and checked it out side-by-side with the others and was blown away by the lens on it- 28mm zoom made by Leica. It also has nicer video features than even the G9- (30FPS, HD video). It's not going to replace a dedicated HD camrera, but for the size it's pretty amazing. It also chews through the memory as my 8GB card only gets 33 minutes on it!

There are even different modes for shooting underwater (adds in a red, warming, filter) as well as a self portrait mode- for those of us who end up diving alone far more than we care to admit.

I haven't gotten to play with it that much yet, but I do have another camping/diving trip coming up soon.

Here's some shots I took yesterday using the "underwater" mode and the "self portrait" mode while diving.



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Hi Jon,

I was using canon ixus 850IS and was very satisfied.

but same as you "it's time for a change".

How satisfied are you with your Lumix?
Why did you choose the TZ5 Model?
The Models DMC-FX35 even have 25mm Wideangle.

I am especially interested in the video function?
How long can you record?
Which housing do you have?
How fast can you take pictures?


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I am fairly happy with the camera, but it's still not a DSLR- becuase I can't begin to afford one. :(

The shutterlag is a bit long, which bugs my wife for above water shots of the kids, but the video mode is pretty nice- and one of the main reasons I bought it.

There is an underwater mode and a self portrait mode that I use most often- since I often am the only one around to take pictures of myslef underwater. ;)

When shooting in HD video mode I can shoot for 8min 27 seconds at a time. The camera will allow me to shoot for as long as the memory card will last. I can get 33 minutes of HD video on an 8GB card. I bought the extra HD cable for my TV to pla thing back in highdef. Since I already hasd the camera, and a TV, the cable seems to have been a good investment- around $35.

I use the Pansonic housing and the wide angle lens allows me to do some split level shots without the need of an extra lens.

I see that Canon just came out with the G10. I'm not sure how it stacks up, as it just came out, but it might be an interesting one to look into. I guess that one of the reasons that I've never made the leap to a DSLR is that they are too expensive and these things go out of date every 6 months. It seems as soon as you get a camera you're happy with a new one comes out.

I have the Panasonic DMC-TZ5k. I never planned on taking it underwater, but I might have too now! haha.
Im not a camera nerd, but I was looking for near quality pictures of a DSLR. I'm sure the Panasonic is nothing close. but it one of the fewest cameras that has 10x optical zoom in a size of point and shoot.
The only other one I've seen is the Sony version but it is a bit bulkier.
And the iA mode does a better job than me tinkering with the functions.
I'm happy with the camera.
my crummy .02
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