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Pathos 100 or Seatec Gabbiano Elite 100?

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Active Member
Feb 4, 2005
Dear Friends,
I decided to buy speargun, and I reduced my choices into 2: Pathos 100 and Seatec Gabbiano Elite. I know that Gabbiano is more sophisticated gun than Pathos. But some friends who used Gabbiano told me that it is a heavy gun and this causes problems when carrying the gun in the sea. And also they told me that Gabbiano rubbers (20 mm) are very hard to wind the gun. What is your comments about this? I need your comments If you used this guns
There is a new Pathos with a rail and open muzzle. THis looked like a better option than the normal Pathos
I use Gabbianos in a number of sizes (77, 90, 100, 120) with 16 and 20mm rubbers as my main guns.
The Seatec 20mm rubbers are quite soft, I have no problem loading them, but they have plenty of power
The Gabbiano is quite heavy out of the water, but very light in the water,(the 100 is particularly well balanced) it is the best tracking gun I have ever used
I have never seen a Pathos gun
I hope this helps
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Demir, i have never heard of a Seatec gun being heavy "inside the water" I am sure Valerio would not allow this ;)

Best thing to do is to try a gun before you buy it. Ask your friend to lend it for a few shots
Thank you my friends for your comments. I also heard that the Gabbioano has a heavy muzzle. And also I am wondering that is the shaft guide makes more advantage for this gun to shoot the target?
If anything, the Gabbiano is nose light in the water! I actually put a small weight (about 10g) on the muzzle of my Gabbiano 120 so that it sinks very gently
Dave thank you very much for your comment. Have you used any other gun except Gabiano? Can u classify their performance for 100 cm length?
And also need your comparisons between Omer Excalibur Carbonium 100 and Seatec Gabiano Elite 100 please.
Other 100cm guns I have used include; Spetton Velos, Omer Excalibur, Picasso Hunter, Totemsub Pelagos, Rob Allen (Aluminium and carbon) Cressi Comanche, Spetton ALS, Seatec Albatross,Beuchat Mundial, Sporasub Viper, Rabitech stealth, C4 monoscocca.
I find the Gabbiano suits me best (although the Totemsub and the C4 are very close behind) Most of it comes down to personal preference, whether the handle feels right in your hand etc. At the end of the day, the diver is far more important than the gun!
Dave, can you make comparision between Albatros vs Gabbiano and Albatro vs Pelagos?? Just looking for little extra info and what different people says about different guns.. I neither read nor see some real life user test of seatec wooden albatros :hmm
As Dave stated, the Gabbiano's weight outside the water has nothing to do with its weight in the water (you can hold it straight using only your index and thumb!). It is very light and swings very fast. Same goes for the muzzle. Very light, with excellent view of the spear which makes aiming very easy.
The info you got about this gun, seem to be entirely opposite from the real facts.
Conserning Pathos, if you really like this gun I would also suggest Pathos Open. However its bouyancy, ease of swing and reliability of trigger mech, even though above average, are somewhat inferior to the Gabbiano.
A big plus of the Pathos is the type of its trigger mech which allows for an extra 5cm of band strech.
This means that a 100cm Pathos would shoot like a 105cm gun with a conventional trigger mech. It also has a full length rail and due to that a shorter spear (I didn't like this last attribute).
However, the biggest advantage of Pathos compared to Gabbiano is its lower price (I don't know the price of the new model yet but the previous one would cost about 100 euro without reel) but I wouldn't buy a gun based ONLY on the price tag.
I would also suggest you to use both guns before you buy any of them, although my heart is with the Gabby!
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Gotta disagree about the rail thing I am afraid Shane! :) I dont think rails are a bad thing, I just dont think they do much on shorter guns. My C4 monoscocca100 is deadly accurate and quiet, without a rail or even a spear support!
Murat, It is difficult to compare the Albatross, Gabbiano and Pelagos, as they are all very good guns, most of the differences are aesthetic. All have excellent balance, but I find the Gabbiano handles best for me, (part of this is probably that I am not a great fan of wooden guns for British conditions, I dont take care of my kit, so after a few trips in the RIB they end up looking like someone attacked them with a hammer!)
I have a picasso 110 without a rail and can pop anything at max range with pinpoint accuracy.

But that is not to say that railguns have been proven to be more accurate

Look at dapirans ballistic tests on the superjedi. Also, why are all speargun target shooters using railguns?

I have heard the C4 and it was a LOT louder than my wooden guns
Wooden guns are definately quieter, but I think that is more to do with being made of wood than the presence of a rail. A fish kicking around and banging a spear on the bottom makes more noise than a gun going off though :)
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Can anyone post some pics or a link showing this new Pathos? I'm very curious...
somehow we discuss same topic in two different thread and i totally mixed up rofl :head :duh

dave you sell totemsub or just used one?
Dear Folks,
Thank you very much for your kind comments. Yesterday I bought my new 100 cm Seatec Gabiano Elite. And Mr. Gabiano looks great.But I wish it does not bends after loading with 20 mm rubbers? And also I have problem about the rope, and reel. I will be very happy If you can help me for to tie the rope to the shaft end to the reel (If you got some pics about It I will be very happy). Thank you ALL.
it supposed not to bend, due to band are diagonal. The gun is not too long too so you should had no problem about bending. Use thin monofilament nylon (misina benzeri ipler) and crimped both side as loop shape. For reel go for kevlar if you have some money for spares if not any other specific cheaper reel line or some line from hardware store will do the job. Look if there is holes on top or bottom of the reel, if it has you are supposed to make simple knot there and roll the line to the reel. IF you you have not those holes just roll one turn line to the reel and make a knot, then roll the line again. I am not familiar with seatec reel but those two are guaranteed mwthods :cool: - The Worlds Largest Community Dedicated To Freediving, Scuba Diving and Spearfishing


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