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Paul K's story

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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2001
Good article about competing Mr. Kotik! It's always easier to be in the audience and say "I could do that" .
It is one thing to dive to 50 metres at one's own convenience when the planets are aligned, the sea is flat, and the sea "wants you", and it's another to do it on someone elses schedule....when you hear "ZERO", it's time to dive, whether you're ready or not.
Thanks for the story, andd good luck in the Nationals next year :)
Erik Y.
veeery smooth

I agree! I enjoy Paul's writing style and it serves to demonstrate the difficulties and rewards of this fringe sport admirably.

A Well Written Peace!


That was awesome writing. To know someone else thinks very similar thoughts as I do and has such similar feelings, is well, warmth to my heart.

I was hoping to see you here in Kona this year, but I know now that I'll be seeing you here, or where ever, next year for sure.

For everyones info Team USA is set.

Womens Team:
Tanya Streeter
Annabel Briseno
Britt Peltola

Mens Team:
Scott Campbell
Brett LeMaster
and me Deron Scott Verbeck aka "DSV"

I want to say that it was a great experience meeting and diving with all the competitors. I am humbled in their presence. Like Paul says, anyone who thinks they can just walts right in and do what they and I do, please humble yourselves or you will be by the day.

Competition and Trials

First, thanks to Paul for another great, tongue-in-cheek article. I've only competed in one tiny contest but it felt like he was writing about me. You and I next year Paul. Let all the others fight it out for the last position.
Second, congratulations to the divers that made the team. Good show also for the seven that proved we're getting a little depth in this sport (please note attempted pun) with nice dives in the 48-52 meter range. Bending the rules also allowed another developing diver to demonstrate her stuff. The two static champs played it very conservative and apparently the same 'bug' that struck the S F 49ers the next day settled the third position on the female team before the diving started. Bret LeMaster cancelled the only possiblity of 'surprise' with the first dive of the day. For scuba diver safety reasons, he was limited to 60 meters.
The weekend was a mixed bag for me but, sitting beside Tony Marcuccino for an hour or so and 'talking story' made it worth while. They all remained focused on free diving and I was unable to get any interest in jumping a few buoys with a gun. Maybe next time.

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Yep, I related to a few things in Paul's story.

Before my first comp I was confident and thought it would be quite easy......
But circumstances don't always go in your favour, as I found out the hard way and got disqualified in the Statics.

It alway's looks easy as a spectator, "I can do a better breathold then that, thats easy !" ;)

Hey DSV,
Congrat's on making the team !
I didn't think you'd get left behind with such awesome statics. I wonder if your old training buddy Brett will be asking you for tips on statics now :p

Sounds like you guys have a really strong team this year with you, Brett and Scott, and Tanya on the womens team. Hey isn't that cheating a little, 2 wolrd record setting type people on the one team ?!

P.S. I have my plane ticket to Hawaii, not sure if I'm competing or not but I'll be there !
Will have to meet up with you in Kona to say g'day.

Cheers all,
just counting down the days till Hawaii,
:D :D :D
Right on Walrus, let me know when you get here and we'll do lunch or something OK.

Hey we need all the help we can get. We want to have a good showing this year being in the States and all.

About Brett's static time. Scott and I will just hold him down until he hits 6:00+ then let him up.:D

Thanks very much for the support. We have a great bunch of people this year, it should be fun.

If there are any more of you guys coming to Hawaii this year please feel free to look me up I'd be glad to meet you. I know quite a few great dive spots.

Thanks Deron, I'll take you up on that, I'll email you a bit closer to when I leave.

I think I'll be in Kona around the 21st/22nd October. That way we (The Australian team) have a week to do some training... and more importantly have bit of a holiday, sight seeing, fun diving, and generally bumming around on the beach :D

Yeh I think I need a dose of the "forced breathold" method as well, my statics have been a bit off lately.

Hey Walrus,

That'll be great, I'll show you guys a couple of good training sites where there aren't to many Tiger sharks:D

I think I many be able to help in that "forced static" training I mentioned. If you and the team want me to show you guys I'd be very happy to.rofl

Anyway it'll be great to meet you guys and do get a hold of me before you arrive.


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