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Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


Baron of Breathold
Oct 17, 2001
Hey Sven

"This fighting for truth, justice and the perfect woman is taxing"

I started thinking about the perfect woman. Not counting that teenager that I married a while back, the product of a 'shot in the dark' about forty years ago (daughter) nor the gal that married "dear old dad", I came up with my candidate.
A gal took me out diving today. 85 foot viz, 85 degree water, 2 times 85 on the depth and spinner dolphins talking to and jumping for us. Another sh***y day in Kona. After checking that I was OK, she did a picture perfect dive to 185.

Dude! even writeing about women like that sould be criminalized... and she is smart and funny and....well all right?
I would be satisfied if my girlfriend COULD dive a little..but no..Well Gotta teach I guess.
I was lucky enough (after a few attempts) to marry mine....she's a hard core scuba chick, but managed a 24 metre freedive in Egypt this summer!
Erik Y.
...I am taking mine to Italy for a week..perhaps I get her in water there...try not to scare her off the water......Wish me luck!
Hey Erik,

Whats the secret in prior the scuba regulator out of her mouth? Mine loves to dive deep but insists on sucking air (sigh)...
Something Fresh

What about the other side? We have yet to hear from the females of DB on what their perfect dive male is...or isn't.

Being an EX-wrestler/rockclimber/competitive sailor, I have heard enough guy talk to be bored limp and rarely hear something new. Time for some gal talk here. :D :cool: :cool:
Is there females in DB:confused: May be; but not in spearfishing right????

Now you have done it you sexist bastard you!rofl rofl :mute
Originally posted by Bill
After checking that I was OK, she did a picture perfect dive to 185. Aloha Bill

You're killin' me Bill! I'd pass on the abalone for some of that! :cool:


and you're a lucky dog too, Erik!

And Aaron, admitting you're limp is the first step in recovery. :t


I think I see a new venue for DB. Bringing like minded men and women together from all over the world. Sounds like this is right up your alley Sven.
I like it!

Genius, Jay! Pure genius.rofl

I can see the Board (bored?) of Directors
sven DB's Premier of paramour
Jay Stylin' Styron DB's East Coast host
Aquiles DB's Human cuban
Aaron DB's Short Report

ahh, the mind reels...

Just think of the ramifications if this comes to pass. There could actually be offspring produced because of DB. Talk about having an impact on the diving community:eek:
Originally posted by Octo

Now you have done it you sexist bastard you!rofl rofl :mute

Just don`y cry. OK ! ! ! There is no offense in my words.I just didn`t think its possible coz i had never seen some girle :girlie post here. Sorrey but i am not a against womens type.I think you need to be calm down there.
Murat, Not only am I calm, I am limp AND short as well. BTW, This thread is in general freediving forum, not spearfishing. Many women have posted on db, however the testesosterone does tend to run deep at times...

Sven, I am compiling a list of single, vertically challenged west coast divers to add to the datingbase...
Originally posted by Octo
Murat, Not only am I calm, I am limp AND short as well. BTW, This thread is in general freediving forum, not spearfishing. Many women have posted on db, however the testesosterone does tend to run deep at times...

:D :naughty !!!
Things were just going too great here. A very lousy weekend for yours truly.
My nomination for Diverette of the Year however, was diving with her husband on Thursday morning and had to stop because she 'ran into' the bottom at 200+. She even brought a handfull of sand into the beach to calm any skeptics.
Annabel, you go girl.
yeah, 200 feet is about as close as I've been to a "sandy bottom" lately... any closer, her husband would've noticed.:hmm

This is lousy Bill- 51F, 8' viz, 10'swells and fog. Man, I goota move...:waterwork

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