I've got the waterproof case but not the earphones. To use my Ipod underwater I put it by the side of the pool with the ITrip transmitter on it and listened through a waterproof radio that cost about £10. It works on the surface for static but not if you try and go underwater. Problem is the waterproof ear phones have horrible jamming-in-the-ear things that make them really uncomfortable so I couldn't relax into the static....
the waterproof case (lillipod) is more to protect the Ipod when its kicking around on boats and stuff. Not sure how you would take it UW. It floats like hell for a start... its basically a pelican box the right size for an Ipod with a plug in for earphones.
the waterproof case (lillipod) is more to protect the Ipod when its kicking around on boats and stuff. Not sure how you would take it UW. It floats like hell for a start... its basically a pelican box the right size for an Ipod with a plug in for earphones.