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PETS: wot you got?

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New Member
Mar 17, 2002
ive got a iguana, some tropical fish, a budgie, and some KOI KAAAAARP.

anyone got a chameleon? they are sooo cool!

I'm from Ireland so not that many exotic pets....
but I do lave a large aquarium full of clown fish! I fell in love with the lil cheeky monkies when diving in Indonesia and when I came home I just had to keep some. seven months on and my tanks only starting to look like what I remember of the Gili Islands.I'm not going to tell you how many times I've been tempted to don a mask and stick my head in there!

Lifes a beach and then you dive.
Pets ...

I've got a 'pet' shark that seems to keep following me everywhere I go ... Haven't seen any decent fish in my last 5 dives, only sharks. They tend to scare the bejeezus out of most fish around here - so no fresh dinner :(
I have twwo roommates, they're kinda like pets.... they're french too, so exotic pets.... :D

Oh and fish.....


"I got a Snake, Man!!!!"
cat, dogs, and koi!

I converted my old skiff into a lovely koi pond. Fish on the outside is now fish on the inside! We have 6 koi that are very good friends. My Janeen and i have two rottweilers, one big male-'goofball without a plan' (Mr Deetleman Bos'n) , and Kali who is our dear old female. We also have a cat named Race. I made a wire tunnle for him, it goes out the bedroom window, across the pond, along the fence, across the back (under a leaf canopy!) along the fence, up under the eves, and back into our living room! It is about 200' and allows our buddy to explore his world in complete safety. :D

Then there is my eel budy who i have been visiting for the last 5 years. He lives in a cove at an island about 50nm off the coast. here is a picture of him:


I took this picture right after i gave him a live squid. Judging from the look on his face, it was THE BEST treat he ever had! When i first swim down to his grotto, i never see him, so i call him. The next time down there he is waiting for another treat :p

Well at last count in the ol' petting zoo(no jokes Sven):
3 ferrets that find water detestable except to drink
1Bk Lab that finds it irresistable
4 goldfish that find it a necessity
and last but not least 1 snapping turtle that dares me to try to take him out of it.:D
One chocolate lab named Zeagle, who loves all things water, and one cat, Pansy, who rules over the dog with an iron fist- or is that paw?


Ausi is the size of a small chicken with all the white feathers but, only weighs one pound. He makes up for his small size in various ways. At sundown, he'll pop out the wings, raise the yellow crest, fill those 100 ml lungs and try to communicate with his relatives down under. I'm not sure that he doesn't do it. After 50 years of diving and 40 years of listening to jet engines the old ears ain't too good.

Bump! - here is one of my past pets


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Dragged this one up Mart! What have you done to that poor bunny rabbit!?

This is ours:

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Ive got a flying dog named Charlie. Shes a kelpie cross jack russel.
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Is that you hog Maggers? Excellent flying dog watts!
She was asleep Tom.
Dunno who's more excited in that first photo Nath, you or Charlie!

Haven't had a pet since I left home at 17, sadly the cat passed away a month ago which is a bugger when you're overseas. She was the last of a long line of pets, my mum and dad are a bit old for it now.

But in the past we've had a long and illustrious list of pets from living in the bush. Here goes:
Cat (white one)
Cat (ginger one)
Sooty (mum named that one, my brother and I named the other 2 :D )

Ginger Cat was the hardest bastard i've ever come across, a bit like Horse from the Footrot Flats comics. Had no qualms in chasing dogs or going for my jugular. Very affectionate old bloke though. He lived hard and died young (well about 10 anyway). We never had him neutered so he was always out fighting. Wasn't the smartest cat, could never work out the catflap in the door while Sooty would walk in and out all day.
Sooty turned up on our doorstep one day, she was jet black (as the name suggests). Dad cracked it and made us take her around the neighbourhood looking to see if anyone had lost her. Five minutes later we came back and said no-one had. Dad cursed a bit and told us not to feed the bloody thing, a month later she had a home on his lap where she stayed for the next 17 years. Old softy. We had a theory that when Sooty saw how fat the dog was she thought that this place would be alright. Then about a year later she got a big of ginger in her fur and we were wondering if she'd just gone to live with her old man.

Timmy the border collie (named after the Famous Five dog). Very big Border Collie that was smarter than our combined IQ's. Sadly was hit by a car when he was 2. Loved surfing - many times you'd paddle out past the breakers then feel scratching on the back of your legs as the dog had followed and tried to climb on top of you.
Benny the border collie. Now for f*ck's sake don't laugh, there's a story behind me sharing a name with the dog. When we got Timmy from the farm a couple of pups in the litter were left there. After Timmy died we heard the farm people were moving to Sydney and couldn't keep the dogs, so we inherited Benny. Completely different character to his brother, a bit woosy and was a grey colour, pretty rare in Border Collies. Great dog though, loved chocolate, a bit like this Benny :D

Other pets:
Sophie the Wallaby. Sophie was left orphaned in a flood when she was a joey so we fed her and kept her in our backyard until she was strong enough and old enough to leave. In winter she would sleep next to the pot belly stove and watch tv with us. I think she liked that better because she never went bush again, no matter how many times we tried.
Dozens of chickens, a sheep for a little bit, about 9 generations of Kookaburras. The first came and sat on our pool fence in 1980, dad fed it and then it brought the rest of it's family. Every year they would bring new babies and the year after new babies again until we had kookaburras everywhere. Dad fed them mincemeat and they kept the snakes out of the pool. Win win.
Five peacocks that actually belonged to the bloke next door but for some reason they came and lived in our backyard for 3 years. Looked nice around the pool.
Dozens of magpies - lovely friendly birds with beautiful song, but every Spring they would go completely nuts and try to peck your brains out of your head. If they can see your eyes they won't attack so we would have to wear ice-cream containers with eyes drawn all over them.

I think that's about it. Mum and Dad just have birds now, wild ones but they perch on their verandah and get fed everyday so they hang around a bit. There are some annual ones too thay fly in once a year. It's funny watching the parents - they eat the first bit of mince, then store the next 2 or 3 bits in their mouth and fly off to feed the young ones. Most animals leave our place a bit fatter than when they started.
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My favorite pet was an eagle. Someone had shot it in the wing in the mountains of Karabakh and the kids in my home village caught and than traded it to me for an expensive car model, which I had stolen earlier andf brought with me from Moscow for the summer vacation.
I built a box for the birdy in the yard of our country house and fed it with meat for about three days. I daydreamed of sneaking the eagle with me on the plane to Moscow so I could terrorise other kids in the school and dazzle the girl I was in love with at the age of seven. But in the morning of the fourth dayI found it headless next to the box - my granda told me that the rats had eaten its head while I suspect it was one of my elder relatives who beheaded the eagle so that it wouldn't attack me when it recovered enough to do so.
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Poor old eagle sounds like that classic film "Kes"
I have a house ferret too, I did have three but only the female is with me know & she is 7 years old.


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3 horses (Cowboy, Ruger & Mojo) and a couple outside barn cats and a freshwater fish tank with Guppies, Gouramis, Cory Cats and plecos.


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A rat terrier whose current death score is: Possum (1 ea.), pocket gopher (2 ea.), rat in the pantry (1 ea.) Additionally, she thinks she is a Rottweiler and if you don't agree will try to eat your feet.

Most affectionate animal I've ever owned, though . . .

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