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photo thread- Freedive-a-palooza IV

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Very cool, looks like a great time guys 8^)

Looks like you guys had a great time. Good to see an event where the next generation can be introduced to freediving in a no stress event. Top marks to the organizers and thanks to everyone for sharing your photos and vids(nostres - can't wait for the final cut).
Look closely at post #2 to discover the secret

Ah, thanks for the clue! Looks like Nostres there pumped himself up with a pony bottle?!!?

Don't show Elios that safety photo, or they may start writing a version of their infamous Measurement Notes that reads: How much of a safety margin do you need???? rofl

Enjoying the multimedia palooza presentations! You guys rock.
Reactions: nostres
Cool cool cool....Now I better get to work!!!! Ha Ha off for f'diving tommorow!
Great video!!! I wish I could have made it up there this year. I will try to make it next year.
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