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Pissing in a wetsuit.

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give me gills!
Jun 18, 2003
I've recently bought a nice wetsuit. It's not like the one's I recovered from dive shop's trash bins with holes.

After an hour or so I had to go. So I did.. Then I instanly knoticed a problem with a wetsuite that doesn't have holes. :(

I ask your expert's help and tips. How do you do it? Do you cut a little slit? Do you just swim with it?:t Do you flush it out and let water fill your suite?

Thanks brave souls!

Thanks for the help bro. ;)

But diving makes me want to go even right after going. Kind of like taking a bath.

Does it cause a rash or something if you piss in the wetsuit?
We had a talk about this earlier this year I think....I last about 5 minutes in the water before heating my suit, even if I pee before I get in the water. Immersion in water will bring it on, even if you don't need to.
The water's full of fishpiss anyway, so I wouldn't worry too much. And urine is a natural disinfectant in emergencies.
Those are all the things I tell myself to justify it ;)
I make sure I rinse the suit out in fresh water and don't have any problems with rash or smell :yack
Erik Y.
Get a valve

Maaaaate, don't do it. It's gross. Get a piss valve put in. The type Picasso uses - it's a tube of neoprene sticking out from the crotch of your wetsuit that 'the monster' slides into from the inside, with an end that is sewn flat at the edges and so works like a one-way valve.

I used to marinate, then tried zippers, now I use 'Godzilla's sleeping bag' and I'm much happier and much less stinky. It's the inly way to go when you spearfish for 6 hours.

Of course, you WILL get strange looks no matter where you are.

My girlfriend now has a similar arrangement - but obviously with a couple of differences. She says it is working fine now, after a couple of less successful prototype trials.
I just flush my suit with lake water before I exit- that way I know it's water spilling on the boat deck when I take my suit off and nothing else.;)

As soon as you hit the water the pressure on you kidneys cause immersion diarrhesis ( Sven, spelling on that one?) and give you the urge to go.

I always make sure to tie a water bottle to my float so that I have plenty of fuel for my hotwater suit system.:D

I'm with Jon. It's all par for the course. So long as you're not giving yourself the hives....big deal. If ya really hate it, just hold the neck of your suit open and rocket forward. If it's too cold to do this, you're just as well keeping the heat. And IMHO, a little pee in the suit is no where near as gross as any surface in the cleanest public restroom or hospital (say nothing of the handrails on the subway :yack). The Romans used it as Listerine...and that didn't stop Cleopatra from rollin in the hay with Julius and Mark :D. But I digress.......

The Romans used it as Listerine...


Your knowledge of history scares me sometimes.;)
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yes, we hashed this over sometime ago.. Maybe your bladder is like your eustachion tubes.. it'll stretch more and more if you just let it fill up. I dove this past weekend with several others and everyone was saying they went 4 times, they went 5 times.. and no one believed I didn't go once. The water is finally getting to the point where maybe I would lift the jacket and drop the pants.. but I hate water that's not 82+ deg. F. and 73 deg at the surface just isn't quite there yet. I never go in my good suits.. oh yeah, never say never.
Originally posted by fjohnson
Maybe your bladder is like your eustachion tubes.. it'll stretch more and more if you just let it fill up.

True, but I wouldn't recommend pushing the limits. Here comes A&P.... I'm no urologist, but I am a biologist, and have been forced to look at enough cell slides to warrant a call to Amnesty International. So here's the 411 on 'holding it' as understood by a dilettante biologist.

The cells that line your bladder are called transitional epithelium cells (your eustation tubes are probably lined with pseudostratified columnar epithelium; that's the stuff of the respiratory system). They start out all bunched together when the bladder is empty, and are stretch thin when the bladder is full (kind of like an accordion). Although they can handle quite a stretch, with too much stress, they will be damaged and lose their ability to recoil. Overstretching can make you feel like you still need to go, even after you're empty. Better to listen to your body on this one.

On the left are cells of an empty bladder; on the right a full bladder. Note the thining of the cells numbers, and the stretching of the surface cells. Don't ask why I archived these photos from my college's an illness :eek:. You're all just lucky the topic of discussion wasn't forensic entomology :D.
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Hello Unirdna,.. just for the sake of discussion, if your bladder is stretched repeatedly (which it is, but let's say to a point beyond the normal comfort) do cells really become damaged or does it adapt, as what is the norm with this amazing human body. I can see if bladder is full to the point of bursting that there would possibly be cell damage.. but what do you think of my theory of adaptation through repetition? Someday I'm going to write a book... "Doctoring according to Fred"
There's only two types of wetsuits, those that have been peed in and those that will be. There's only two types of divers, those that pee in their wetsuits and those who lie about it. In over 20 years of diving, I have never peed in my wetsuit(!), but if I ever did, I'd probably pump seawater through by pulling the collar in and out from my neck, and the arms and legs of my shorty. Or getting upside down, and blowing bubbles into my collar (wetsuit neck-hole), making the bubbles come out the legs.
If I ever peed in my wetsuit.
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just pee in your suit man !!!

its really not that bad...after all, its just water.

flush your suit before you get out of the water,
or live with the smell...

it will do no harm to you or the suit.

I have been doing it for many many years,
and never had a rash or anything weird like that....
>There's only two types of divers, those that pee in their
>wetsuits and those who lie about it.

I never do it myself but, I have a few observations.
Standing on the swim step it will run down and out the slit in the toe of your bootie that lets the air bubbles out on the first few dives.
If you pull your weight belt down to the hips, you won't pee in your ear (works best if your dimendions are 40" 40" 40" like me).
When you take your suit off, you'll be glad that the nylon is on the outside and you don't wear a bathing suit.
Some very good spear fishermen can load their gun while 'heating up' the suit.

Thanks all!

I had my first apnea heat warming session the other day. It actually felt nice.. :eek: It warmed me up a lot!

I was a little worried my buddy could see me or a fish may come and start to nibble around the "area". No problems at all.:D

I appriciate all of your coments!

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