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Planning trip to Jamaica / looking for suggestions

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Apr 24, 2021
Hi everyone!

I’m planning my next trip and would like to go to Jamaica (this will be my first time). Im looking for recommendations for freediving and snorkelling… maybe spearfishing. I’d love to hear your experiences, the good and the bad. Photos are welcomed too!

Thanks in advance,
I was lucky to visit Jamaica a few years ago. The hotel had a slim beach and reef right in front of it. You could roll up your trouser/pants legs and paddle out to the reef and bone fish would swim around your legs! Killing or catching them would be unsporting and likely unwelcome (like an extreme version of member Foxfish's aversion to Wrasse spearing).

The hotel fed us well and generously provided beverages in the package price. No need to fish :D

Loved the place and people we met there. ;)
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