Hello !
I just wanted to give a quick update to spearfishing with the polespear, as well as the tips.
I had many good ideas ( I thought), and tried alot of different things;
Resting hook: barely used, it seems much more practicable to just drop and load on the way, or if you see fish.
Yes, it's one of those things I use when diving down and waiting. Holding onto a loaded spear stresses your arm and I think sends out signals to fish that you are not being passive.
Full Break away: This is really a pain...if you fire once and miss you will have to set up the whole thing again, tankling in your line etc. etc. I guess this is only practicable if you really plan on targeting big fish, or know on forhand that you will meet big fish.
Again, yes, it's a pain at times but, I'm glad you've tried it. If you don't make these judgements, you never know.
Theraband Black: I feared it would not have enough power compared to the original band, but this fear is got disproven quickly.
I must admit, I was more into theraband silver and we even tried flat gold bands to get more snap into the system. I was very wary of black but, my dive buddy swore by it and eventually I tried it and found it was almost the ideal for power, speed and hold times. Of course, on much bigger, tougher fish it would likely fail but for my style of fishing and species, perfect with a fast slim spear.
What I did do, was rigging the spear Manny Puig style with the extra loop, where the line is attached to, this works really like a blast.
I like that idea too and have a spear rigged this way.