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Polymorphic plastic

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Glass half full
Oct 7, 2010
I'm just gathering the materials together to start my next build and would like to use Polymorph for the handle. Could any one let me know how much would be needed? I'm thinking 1kg would be ample but would like some advice please.
More than ample, it's pretty light, 1kg will be a big bag. 500g would be plenty I'd say. Just weighed the amount I had left and I reckon you could easily get 2 handles out of the 370g.
Right 500g it is then. Enough for a couple of handles and the rest to play with! Has anybody had experiance of the UK ebay suppliers?
I am not sure what you have in mind but. I have used the poly over a basic wooden or carbon shape, you need a some integrity to cover or you could cover the poly with carbon as it needs some structure.
My initial plan was to make two carbon side plates either side of a timber center section. I made a handle to use as a mold by using lab putty, a pink coloured epoxy putty used by dentists. It created a lovely shape but when I showed my "carbon expert" mate he had concerns about the complexity of the shape. So having read about polymorph on DB I did some research and thought I'd have a go at that, dye it black and use it as side plates about a timber center.
Sounds good....
You could cover the handle & poly with carbon cloth if you wanted to but, it is not easy.
What I have done is cover the shape with 3 layers & wrap it all up in stretchy electrical tape.
Once the epoxy has set you can remove the tape & start sanding!!
The other option is to use the polymorph to make a female mould of the handle (in two halves) and lay up the carbon in that. All depends on the time I'm prepared to spend on it.
You would then have to form a lip to bond the two halves together?
I'm sure there's ways and means. Unfortuanatly I'm no expert in composites but my friend is and I've been taking his advice as required. I do know that by using a female mould you will get a perfect finish as you are laying up against the control surface, asuming that surface is true.
Always as way ... keep us up to date & we can help if possible..
I use about 90g-120g of the Shapelock per handle (depending on the size of the internal tang, and how big your hands are). I think Shapelock, Polymorph, Instamorph, and Friendly Plastic are all the same stuff. I've done quite a few, and I haven't found anything better to get a truly custom fit quickly and easily. They are pretty much bullet proof as long as the plastic is wrapped around a solid frame to begin with. No doubt wrapping the outside with carbon fiber would be super sexy though!

Reactions: Don Paul
Tkanks Tin Man, they look great. Just a couple of questions, when formed around the tang does it require any other form of fixing? also what type of colouring do you use?
I use the "Evercoat" brand, and they call it a "coloring agent" instead of a dye. It's available at many marine stores, and lots of places online.

I typically drill two small (6mm or so) holes through the tang. One near the top, and one near the bottom. I stick a small glob of Shapelock through each hole, which bonds to rest of the Shapelock that is wrapped around then tang. In effect, it mechanically locks the grip onto the tang.
Thanks for all the pointers. Hopefully it will have
made a hit or miss process more hit and less miss! Will try and document the build and post as I go. Thanks again for every ones help.
Had my first play with polymorph today. Took a small amount to work with me and ended up playing with it at any opportunity! When i got home, the kids love playing with it too.
One final question for anyone with experience of polymorph, how well does it take paint or varnish/epoxy.
As well as nylon, or polyethylene, or similar plastics. Which is to say, not very well. Far better off to dye it when the pellets first stick together so that the color is mixed throughout.
Right here's an update on my first adventures into polymorphic play.
First job was to cut the piece parts for the handle frame from an offcut of 2mm SS using a hacksaw, followed by a bit of grinding and shaping. luckily I have a friend who is a top class welder and he stuck the bits together for me.
Being a resourceful chap I thought that I would try to colour my polymorph with what I had lying around at home. I have now discovered printer ink just makes a mess. Ended up using Dylon powdered clothes dye which did the job by heating the plastic, neading it flat, sprinkling the dye on and folding it in.
I used about 400g of polymorph in total at a guess and since I took the (sorry, poor) photos I've given the handle a textured finish by gently heating with a hot air gun and pressing on some coarse sand paper.
There in lies the beauty of this material. If you don't like the shape, heat it up and change it. If you don't like finish, well i think you get the idea!
Have started cutting the wood for stock and will post progress on a different thread.


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