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Pool training for spearfishing

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I start with stretching - body and lungs, then four - five statics increasing holding time time (helps me to calm down).
Then laps: 25 - 30m swim, stop, swim back; no breathing in between. And I try to increase gradually the "stop" time.
In the sea, if the conditions are right (no big waves, no current), I can usually match the pool times.
"My pool training consists of staying out of the pool for as long as possible." Because of C19?
Because of C19?
no. It just meant spearfishing in open water is the best training for spearfishing, with pool being nowhere in the picture. I agree to the point. Not everyone is fortunate to live on the shore and be able to spearfish often enough. The thing about public swimming pools though, is that they do not have freediving safety capability, and most pools outright prohibit feediving.

I know Vancouver (BC) has freediving club and weekly gatherings, after hours when pool is closed to public, and do their organised training sessions that way. Perhaps this would be the way to go about getting at least some breath holding.

But then, training for spearfishing means something different, not a breath hold training. It would be testing spearguns, learning better sight picture for greater accuracy, getting better at reloading, testing overall gear combinations etc. Backyard swimming pool is probably the way to go for that.
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