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Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


Custom Speargun Builder
Aug 20, 2005
Hello, I didn't know where to post this and I don't know if he even came here that often, but it was under his favorites list.

My son-in-law, Charles Crook(Stoneshot) was rushed to the hospital after an aeortic aneurysm burst causing massive internal bleeding. He was found in his workshop by his business parter and friend. He after being stabilized was sceduled for emergency surgery. He is in an induced coma at this time, in intensive care.

This is really tuff on his family, as for those of you who have talked to or met him, he is a wonderful person who rarely puts himself before the needs of others.

If you could please spread the word for those of you that have talked with him here, that we need your prayers.

Thank you,
L. Ward
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I wish him all the best for speedy recovery
I did not know Charles Crook, and I never spoke to him, but as a felow spearo the least I could do is to give my prayers to him to recover from this ordeal, and to his family and freinds to be able to stand by him.
I never meet Charles, however he gave me very good advice a few weeks ago. All my thoughts for a quick recover.
Amen! In times of troubles we must all support each other as best we can.
I wish him a speedy recovery. I'm sure he is in the best hands.
Hope to have an sucsessfull op. and a easy recovery soon.
I wish him, and his family, friends all the best, I sincerely hope for a speedy recovery.
I wish him well and a good recovery..... as a vascular surgeon myself I operate on patients with aortic aneurysms every week, he is lucky to survive a rupture and at this stage all you can do is pray.

they doctor only detect the problem- but sometime they can't do much- and this is the time we have to put our hope 100 % in God- the One that has the last decision!! and there is nothing is imposible for HIM

I am sorry, my daughter has informed me that my-son-law was a fixture in the internet dive & spearfishing cummunity forums. If I have left anyone out, please do not take offense, as I am not that computer savy and he has alot of links to websites.

My son-in-law Charles Edward "Shane" Crook aka(Stoneshot/Titaniumver) has now been transported to the Mayo Clinic where he will be admitted for treatment and open heart surgery to repair the damage caused by this. He has still not regained conciousness and still remains on life support.

The doctors are not giving us a good outlook for recovery. I all can do at this point is to ask you to continue praying.

Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers!


Okay, for the last two days I have been trying to log on to the internet after a friend called me and told me about this and other postings around the net. Evidently, I have had someone controlling my machine remotely, and trying to be funny! They effectively shut my computer down, I was able to log on to my home page but after that I got shutdown! I could not pull up emails, and I had to do a destructive rebuild. They also sent the same messages to everyone in my address book! They were able to decern through emails personal things and peoples names. L. Ward is my mother-in-law who uses this machine also.

Thank you all for you concern but, I am doing fine, and hope to be around a long time!

Hope fully I have been able to shut them down, and no one else was effected.

I am sorry for any undue worries this may have caused.

Charles Crook
aka "Stoneshot" and "Titaniumdiver"
stoneshot said:
Thank you all for you concern but, I am doing fine, and hope to be around a long time!
...Charles Crook
aka "Stoneshot" and "Titaniumdiver"
Good to hear we have have not lost another contributor...it has been a grim Autumn so far. So glad to hear some good news.
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