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Quick and Dirty Bear Steak

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Working Class Spearo
Mar 17, 2002
just in case you ever are in need.....

Soak Bear Steak in Balsamic Vinigrette Salad Dressing over night (in fridge). BBQ

Soak Bear Steak in Lee& Perrins for a few hours. sprinkle with Montreal Steak Spice. BBQ

MMMMMmmmmmmmmm. So Simple..... :D
I will make sure to remember this in the event that I run across a BEAR down here in Grenada! By the way, did you use a speargun or a polespear to kill that bear. Just kidding. Thanks for the tip. I will have to try it next time I am visiting my relatives up in the North East. I have never had bear, but would really like to try it.
Bear is really good, unless it's been eating carrion or garbage. The very best is taken from areas where they have been gorging for a month on blueberries and crowberries. Acorn fed should be equally good. Rub the whole roast in garlic (like a whole head!) then braise it slow and low for a couple of hours until the internal temperature is at least 160 F. (No, I don't know what that is in C. You figure it out.) Then make up a big ol' batch of gravy from the drippings and serve with a gallon of mashed potatoes. Vegetables? What're vegetables?
Marinated a few steaks in minced garlic (a few hand fulls) and olive oil for 24hrs. just had it for dinner.

is it wrong to want to marry a steak? I think I'm in love :D
When i first saw your post on Bear Steaks it though ''Wanker Kills bears'' but im trying to be a bit more open minded as to what other people do and not judge a book by its cover as the old saying goes, plus we sometimes eat Kangaroo, i dont hunt it just order it of the menue its tasts great and im sure some people would not like us eating our national emblem.
So a few Questions on Sun Bears
I take it Bear tastes good but whats it like ie a Game like taste or beef
Are there lots of them
I know you would be professional and only use one good shot but do they die quickly
Do you have to Hunt them or are they an easy Pray
Is the hunting of them well regulated or can any one do it and not do it well
Do you need a licence etc
Will the Bear eat you if you stuff up are you and your hunting party at risk

I will appreciate it if you answer my questions as im trying to educate my self as to what other people enjoy and why they enjoy it and not just right it off if i dont agree with it.
I dont want to be old and narrow minded

Thanks Crusty
The bear I've had always tasted a bit sweeter than venison. My Gramp's used to hunt black bear around here- I think that they mostly lived on berries.

A berry or acorn fed bear is a treat. The flavor is sort of like prime beef with just a hint of trout overlaid. Down here in California, we only have about 15,000 black bear and the population increases annually even though we take about 10% each year. Up where Amphibious lives they have lots of bears. Figure that they weigh around 100 kilos. That makes them quite easy to kill with a well-placed bullet around .30 caliber. Of course smaller guns work beautifully if you are quite accurate. Drive a round high through the shoulder and you will snap the spine and drop ol' bruin like a sack of rocks, but like any other critter if you stuff up the shot things get messy. A black bear is unlikely to attack a human but that doesn't mean it can't or hasn't happened. When it does, the man usually ends up on the losing end and sometimes as dinner. Fair is fair. Sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes . . . :D
crusty said:
I take it Bear tastes good but whats it like ie a Game like taste or beef
Are there lots of them

Oldsarge put it much better then I ever could.

I know you would be professional and only use one good shot but do they die quickly

One shot one kill. I take great pride in my marksmanship. only had to use more then one shot once before, and that wont soon be repeated.

Do you have to Hunt them or are they an easy Pray

you do have to hunt them but if you know where to look they are very very easy to find. like was stated above, we have a lot of black bears here, approx 160,000 in this province alone, over 25% of the world population. we have bears like you have roos :D I can see 5-8 on an average day in the spring and fall. I also only hunt bears with an open sighted rifle. makes things much more sporting. I would use a bow but I belive I can deal out a quicker kill with my rifle. (tracking a wounded animal is no fun, and bears have teeth) the stalk is the best part. closeing inside 50yrds undetected is a feeling nothing else can touch, but at 20yrds and in it;s electrifying. I took a bear last year at 20yrds. every hair on your body is standing on end and time stops. amazing feeling.

Is the hunting of them well regulated or can any one do it and not do it well
Do you need a licence etc

hunting is canada is EXTREMELY regulated. you have to take a 2 day course and pass a test before you are even alowed to purchase a licence. there are strict limits on harvest updated yearly by government biologists. in this area we are aloud 2 bears per year. poachers get longer sentences in the most murderers here.

Will the Bear eat you if you stuff up are you and your hunting party at risk

Bears are grossly overrated. ever year there are fatalities related to predatory black bear behavior, but, simmilar to shark attacks, they are in reality very rare. if you bugger up and wound the bear, the hard part starts. a wounded bear is not something to toy with. a 50kg black bear has the bower to easily kill a 100kg man. proper bullet placement is key.

I will appreciate it if you answer my questions as im trying to educate my self as to what other people enjoy and why they enjoy it and not just right it off if i dont agree with it.
I dont want to be old and narrow minded

Thanks Crusty

no worries, glad you asked. not really the propper forum for this topic, but with everyone posting non-fish recipies I thought I'd throw out an odd one :D
Thanks for the Reply Amphibious
If i am ever in Canada i will come out with you for a hunt, dont know if i could actaully kill a Bear but i can kill fish without blinking so who knows

If I could ask another question from a non liking to kill wild life West Aussie. So you kill a 50Kg+ Bear. How the hell do you get it home.
Here I think is the proper time for a bear joke:
Two hunters a newbie and an experienced guy are going for a hunt. The old one explains the tactics to the newbie: “When we see the bear we start running towards the village. That’s all I want from you!”
They go to the wood and there is a huge bear in front of them. The old hunter says: “Now run” And off they go… the bear is chasing them of course… After a few km the newbie starts to get tired and stops. Aims his gun and shoots the bear dead.
Then the old one screams at him: “You stupid! How in the hell you think we will carry the 100 kg bear home…”
Poida said:
If I could ask another question from a non liking to kill wild life West Aussie. So you kill a 50Kg+ Bear. How the hell do you get it home.

a good pair of boots and a strong back :D
How much guts are in a bear? Surely you don't carry an ungutted bear back to the truck?
Dressed a 50kg bear would probably lighten a lot I would think.
When we used to shoot Red Deer in NZ it would often take 2 days to bring all the meat out.
Now allow me to ask a question Poida. You spearfish right? How do you not justify the same thing thats just above water? Wildlife is wildlife no matter where so its a bit hard for me to grasp the mentality of one who thinks hunting underwater is okay but not killing "wildlife"? I hunt with rifle, bow, and speargun (more speargun than anything else though :) In North America and Canada our limits on game are strict and the biologists monitor the ammount of animals and set the limits on the numbers of game we are able to take. The majority of sportsmen take their hunting as seriously as some freedivers against scuba spearos and do their best to work with authoritys against poachers or any lobbying that threatens their take of game. Hunting is a way of life here and I hope to never see it pass.

Our biggest problem here is the commercial industry and I'd love to see the long-liners and commercial fishermen/shrimpers done with or seriously regulated. (but unfortunatly thats in my perfect world where those things will never happen, I guess they need to eat too but if they could subsidize the farmers and pay them to not plant crops then why not subsidize shrimpers and longliners? I'm still young so if someone can humble me then go ahead as I'm open minded.)

Just wondering bro as you had questions so do I.
Well like old Amphibious said black bears really have a bad rap as far as being mean and stuff. I have never EVER had a problem with them being aggressive until they get shot. I don't like the taste of bear meat and don't enjoy the work involved with getting them out of the woods after the kill so I don't hunt them as much any more. I do however shoot one with my bow every now and then. It is fun to see the arrow impact and then the bear run off not knowing what hit em...but the last one I shot turned and looked me in the eye when he growled before he ran off. Now talk about a chill running up your spine. :D THAT WAS FUN!

I understand where your comming from with the commercial fisherman and all however I have grown up having my father being a commercial crab, and salmon fisherman. I have seen very hard times since fish and game started regulating them so heavy. It was tough for him to provide for a 5 person family on less than 10,000 dollars some years. California isn't the chepest place to live either. I am glad that you can see that everyone has to make a living some how. I wish that there was a way that everyone could get what they wanted but it aint gonna happen. So when you wish for the commercial guys to go away just think of how it's hitting home to some.
An old buddy of my grandfather's was out digging ginsing one day when he ran across a momma bear and her cubs. Having only a shovel he hid behind a big tree and took swings at her head, which was just on the other side, until she got tired and went away- shortly thereafter my gramps started carring a .45 when he and my grandmother went out berry picking. ;)

I give you guys a lot of credit to go out and bow hunt a bear and drag him back home by hand. I have to say it's not so sporting around here and I have never wished to go as a result, but have no probelm eating the meat when given to me. :cool:

Around here they hunt black bear with radio collared dogs and 4-wheelers. They track the dogs electronically, who run down and tree the bear. Then, they can walk up to the tree and pop a quick one in it's head- which isn't too hard from 10' away. :hmm When they are done they strap it onto the 4-wheeler and go home to drink cheap beer.

Your way sounds much more sporting.

Yep Jon,

Done that too. I also didn't take much pride in it. The chase was fun for the first time but I wouldn't make it a regular habit. Although in some areas here there aren't enough roads and well if the dogs go you gotta too and sometimes bears live in places that I would never willingly walk so you gotta look at it that way. But in the flatlands it wouldn't be too hard. It also might be more fun if they were your dogs that you had invested the time and effort in training (which isn't easy).

(forget the dogs, bears, and quads I'll just sit back and drink the cheap beer)
once it;s gutted the animal can loose 30% of it weight. then it's halved or quartered an packed out. or in the spring, as the animals are typically found near old logging roads, dragged out.
Yeah 35kg would be handy enough to pack out what about the head and spine surely the more field dressing the easier it is?
I'd really like to try bear hunting......., one day maybe.
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