Alright i will see if i can get this close enough to what i originally wrote.. Griff the setup i am planning on is as follows :
Ra sniper railgun 1.4 M double 16mm rubbers. This will have a breakaway rig with 260 kg spectra probly... this will be on a breakaway rig connected to 2 body boards via bungy

sweet idea hey! That way i can put a hession sack on the first for my fish and a 2nd spear gun on the second.... as well as a flag!
Unfortunately i will not be buying/able to use this for another month yet... I am still waiting on the dodgy store guy to ring me back.. I am taking my buissiness elsewhere if he doesn't kick into overdrive very soon.. just finished having a chat with a direct importer over here... What i was telling you about in the post that didn't post was the reason i have not been in action the last few weeks...
A while ago now some mates came up to visit me... spot of fishing was the order of the day so we decided to go out the very next day... Up at three and over to the boat... the boat is a 18.5 foot fibreglass that weighs in around 1.8 ton we had a 130 hourse johnson on it that had done about 50 hours work... We hadn't had a lot of time to plan this trip and there was that feeling in the pit of my stomach that all was not well... we dragged the boat out and had a look at it.. one of the trailor brakes was a bit sticky so we gave it a tap then lubbed up the cables... all was good... I was driving a mates from the country's toyota land cruiser trayback as we figured it would be better for towing the boat then the hilux and it was his prized posession with a set of tires worth around a thousand bucks for 4 on it and he wanted to let me see how good his one and only pride and joy was... So with that I drove us the hour or so to the boat ramp and we put in.. to cut a long story short the rain had sent the fish of the bite... and there arn't many people I know who would jump into a creek estimated to have the highest population of crocs in north QLD with a speargun... specialy when you cand see the bottom when your in .5 of a meter depth... lol.. so we headed home and put the boat back on at the ramps... no worries we were a little annoyed by the lack of fish but with a bit of music and having a good yahn it wasn't long till we were almost to a mates where we keep the boat.... in fact we were about a Km up the highway from the turn off and doing about 90Kph when the back end of the car started sliding out like we had a badly blown tire... clayton (my mate) started swearing and the shaking got worse till we were being thrown all over the road as we tryed to slow down without hitting the brakes (hitting brakes = deadly) the back wheels were being lifted off the ground and the back end of the car was swirving left and right... another mate following in his jag tells me there was smoke coming of the tires as they were dragged back and forth across the road... by this time i realised this was no blown tire and susped with great horror that the axle on the boat must have snapped... at this point my mate who i have seen play with angry bulls was white as a sheet and swearing like you wouldn't believe... and to my surprise i found so was I!!! Then suddenly everything was fine again and i got the car going streight... we started to slow down and i saw all the cars ahead of us on the highway pulling off the road... it was then that the worst of it hit... the back end of the car was literaly jacknifed across the road from one side to another with the back wheels being being lifted on and off the road.. there was a storm gutter on one side and cars still getting off the highway on the other... I was holding onto the steering wheel for grim death and my mate was holding onto the dash handle trying to stay in control.... At this point i had little to no control over the car... I have been in a serious accident in a car before and this was still out of my league... I flashed a look in the rearview mirror and saw the bow of the boat up in the air as it rolled down the rollers onto the highway we were doing about 60kph (38Mile/hour) by now and i could here the grinding even as i slowed down and even over the top of the language which some people claim is french that was being extruded from my mouth and that of my mate... Lucky for us the boat landed in a turning lane so traffic along the highway could still pass... around 14 or so cars pulled up and with 15 or so blokes we put the boat back on the trailor and limped to the boats home (at a mates).
The Damage... Well that new engine... yeah it was the first thing to hit the tarmac...

The fin on it was worn down to the gear box which had a hole made in it though no vitals were ruined incide... The underside of the boat (that was one damn tough boat!) had less damage then could be expected... had a bit of fiberglass worn off it.. ok a fair bit... but most of the force was exerted on one stabiliser that was ground smooth... the rest was pretty good really... just needs a patch up!
So what happened i hear you say... well here it is...
1. The locking leaver on the winch ben and allowd the cog to turn and the boat to slip back... this was when the fist swirving happened...
2. The safety chain caught the boat and steadied it... hence the sudden ability to control the car and streighten her up whilst slowing down yet more...
3. the caribina that was as ancient as the boat was forced open and the boat resumed its backward travel... the boat is heavy and with the leaverage of the trailer was able to throw the car from one side of the road to the other...
4. We lived because the boat came all the way off and snapped the cable off the winch... otherwise we would have ended up in that table drain besides the road!
I think a number of things saved us that day...
1. Luck
2. That cruiser had a lot more weight then my hilux duelcab which would have left us dead in the table drain...
3. Damn... those tires must have been good

4. I think the allmighty heard the language we were both utilising and decided we needed more time to sort our selves out

down here!
I think the moral of this story is you should always check out your gear... and if even the slightest doubt... change that little piece of equipment that costs a lot more then it is worth... cause it could be your life you are buying... And the other thing would be to use quality equipment... the boat is part owned between us and a friend... the friend is in his 50's and had a bad accident a few years back that leaft him slightly weak in one leg and one arm (motorbike) he my dad and i had talked about parts that needed changing a while back... i had suggested a whole new winch using a different mechanism.. whilst they had both put serious thought into this in the end it was decided that the old one was robust enough and would do... as for the caribina i don't think any of us ever paid it much attention :naughty, the lucky thing is I was driving a fairly heavy vechile... if brian had been driving his car i think it would not have been so lucky.
anyhow thats what part of my holidays is now donated to fixing!
Final words: