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Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Thanks for the advice. Aparently these suits have a life expectancy of 5 years as it is. I went to Rooiels this morning. The Wind was howling, sea pumping and the viz like soup but I wanted to test the suit. Hell am I impressed.:inlove I had great flexibility. I did struggle to get all air out though and will probably carry a drop weight for a while.

There was no chance of diving on the outside or on the point and no chance of shooting anything either. I only found one bug though that was size enough to bring home.....where is Grotto?:wave(Hermanus?...South of Yzerfontein?) is there another?
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Thanks...I'm land based for the next weeks.:head.Greyton and then Bloem..Not much diving there good hunting to you others that get wet.
Can anyone tell me how Coral wetsuits compare to elios? (mainly price)
And if they will ship internationally?
Postage from Italy to japan is quite a lot.
Maybe from CT shipping wont be so bad????

Well one pound is about R14 so a new coral at R2300 will cost you about 164 pounds... And $ to rand is about 6 to 1, R2300 = $383
Thanks deep thinker,

So thats without shipping, so Italy would still be cheaper. I'll just have to wait a bit longer. (wife still aint coming around)

So far the best prices I have found Diveskin, Elios, Teknodiver

Diveskin has mixed reviews by the forum members but mostly good.
nothing but good reviews for elios, thats why I thought I would go italian.
Teknodiver cant find any reviews but they are italian. thier suit is cheaper than elios but shipping is quite a bit more. But they said they would throw in some booties free. being under the wifes thumb, I love the freebies.

Being winter here now I can wait a little longer.
Thanks again for your quick reply, Happy hunting.
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