Many thanks for that Info. So I was wrong with 150 psi . 25 bar that sounds good for me. I pressure up the gun with a modifyed scuba regulator to 25 bar and that works well. I redesigned the air release valve to a "normal" scuba dive inflator valve and now I'm able to pump air under water in to the gun with a inflator hose connected to my modified regulator and a separate 1 liter (150 bar) bottle because the seals are not the best for a longer time.
again thanks for help and nice day to US.
Hello, good board to come and check out what is going on around the world in spearfishing. I hunt off my washington state coast for lingcod and most rock fish, also gather rock scallops. My family and I love seafood and we use all we get. I have been using Nemrod spearguns for sometime, got my first one 1972 which is still in good working order, I have Galeon's, Clipper's, Mariner 2's, a Corsario and Comando. I like and use them all.
Many thanks for that Info. So I was wrong with 150 psi . 25 bar that sounds good for me. I pressure up the gun with a modifyed scuba regulator to 25 bar and that works well. I redesigned the air release valve to a "normal" scuba dive inflator valve and now I'm able to pump air under water in to the gun with a inflator hose connected to my modified regulator and a separate 1 liter (150 bar) bottle because the seals are not the best for a longer time.
again thanks for help and nice day to US.