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Remove tint from tinted Mask

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Apr 21, 2020
Hey guys , i bought a Cressi Metis Mirrored HD Mask mainly to cover my eyes from sun glare and to hide my eyes from fish but i didnt took into consideration that my overall depth of view will be compromised making it way too difficult to see even in slightly murky water. Its a pretty dope mask and i really dont want to buy another one to be honest, has anyone tried to remove a tint from a mask before? i tried the lighter trick on both sides of the mask to see if the tint degraded a little but nothing happened.

I will be interested to hear the results. Cheers.
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Reactions: O.J

I will be interested to hear the results. Cheers.
Hey mate, thanks for sharing that wikihow post i tried that method and left it in alcohol for 2 hours more than intended and had no success, also tried with paint thinner and no success either. Props to cressi for such a durable tint but dang.
Just a thought but you could try some Acetone (nail varnish remover) it removes Superglue which is pretty strong stuff. Obviously the stronger the chemical the more chance it is going to have on the silicone surrounding the lenses unless you can remove the lenses from the mask first.
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