I was reading one of the threads the other day (sory can't remember which one) and saw a comment (Erik's I think) about us desk jockeys having an inate advantage when starting out to do statics. That got me to thinking about such things and basicly about breathing rythmns in general.
I don't consider myself to be in very good shape at the moment. I haven't done much cardio over the past 3 years. Before that I did a lot of cycling and hiking with heavy packs and was in very good shape. Then came knee troubles... But true to the comments in the other thread, it took me less than a week of doing a few rounds of breathholds in the evenings to reach a new PB of 4:15.
I do fit the relatively inactive desk jockey profile at the moment. But I am curious about the breathing thing. My natural rythmn when not active is usually inhale, exhale, then a pause of several seconds before the next inhale (roughly 2/2/4 timing). I wonder if this is the desk jockey thing, if it is more to do with residual respiration capacity from my cycling days, or is just my natural state. I've noticed lately that some people, even in good shape, just don't seem to breath as easily. Even at rest they seem to work more at breathing. So is there a correlation between one's natural resting breathing rythmn and apnea capacity? Can training your breathing cycle help in apnea? Conversly have those that have managed to significanly increase their apnea ability noticed a change in their resting breathing patterns?
Can you tell I've got spare time at the moment...
I don't consider myself to be in very good shape at the moment. I haven't done much cardio over the past 3 years. Before that I did a lot of cycling and hiking with heavy packs and was in very good shape. Then came knee troubles... But true to the comments in the other thread, it took me less than a week of doing a few rounds of breathholds in the evenings to reach a new PB of 4:15.
I do fit the relatively inactive desk jockey profile at the moment. But I am curious about the breathing thing. My natural rythmn when not active is usually inhale, exhale, then a pause of several seconds before the next inhale (roughly 2/2/4 timing). I wonder if this is the desk jockey thing, if it is more to do with residual respiration capacity from my cycling days, or is just my natural state. I've noticed lately that some people, even in good shape, just don't seem to breath as easily. Even at rest they seem to work more at breathing. So is there a correlation between one's natural resting breathing rythmn and apnea capacity? Can training your breathing cycle help in apnea? Conversly have those that have managed to significanly increase their apnea ability noticed a change in their resting breathing patterns?
Can you tell I've got spare time at the moment...