What is the difference between C4 and Baja #4............
The answer is just the thicker stock, now that Competitor series has "X" and "XS" model for extra long butt, it is just the basically the teak stock/barrel size. Competitor series is designed to be slim and fast.
The thicker #4 Baja stock allows the muzzle to accept 4 x 16mm bands, you can't do that in C4. Riffe is quite a genius, he knows that moron like IYA will put as many bands as possible but C4 is light cause the teak stock is mini size, thus recoil is unkind if the gun is light. #4 Baja teak stock is much thicker, so much so, shooting 3/8 shaft with 3 x 16mm rubber is so sweet, to my crude hand I consider it minimum recoil. With practice one can shoot 4 x 16mm on it with a single hand, like Moi for instance. I get one free left hand to grab or hold on to something.
I personaly think C4 (144cm ) and C4XS ( 152cm ) are just too long. I rather use my 4 banded Standard #2 at 124 cm. Shorter shooting range of 1 meter but hell a lot faster to track. If C4 is that long for power purpose, might as well get #4 Baja and go all out. I am a believer that more bands is a better solution than longer barrel size.
With all respect to other guns, if power is what you look for (assuming every brand is just as accurate as the other ), the logic is simple. Good powerbands are readily available, from the amount of stretch and rubber diameter we can tell the output power. All you need is the shaft diameter and weight to do final calculation on how powerful the shaft can hit the fish.
The difference is the construction and the level of power the gun itself can handle. Just like a car, powerband & shaft is the engine and the stock/barrel & muzzle and trigger is the chassis and transmission. Now take a look at Benz 600S. The engine option is 3.2, 4.0, 5.0 and 6.0 (correct me if I am a bit behind time ). Not all cars can handle this kind of power options unless the chassis is good. Later is up to you to decide for urself, which suit ur budget.
However, you can always ease on the throttle of a fast car to make it slow but never expect to kick the throttle to make a slower car any faster. One most important difference in all the gun brands you mentioned is the trigger. Riffe is the strongest and sweet release like you won't believe, even when loaded with many many bands.
As a new spearo, just buy what you want now. You will grow to choose what you like in the long run and just like babes...........oooppss I mean beer , the more the better.
As with all hunting gear, in the end it will come down to ur personal preference and the hunting ground. If you see the logic of economics, expensive stuff which can sell worldwide only means one thing. It is as good as the dollars you put in. Speargun is not Versace or Luis Vitton, we use them to hunt and to land fishes, we don't go to parties with it. So if a speargun which seems expensive like a Riffe and has world wide audience, the only answer is.......... it works.
Go to any website of any speargun manufacturers that specificaly sell spearguns, see the number of the dealers. This alone tells you that how many buyers world wide is willing to pay money for that brand. This forum only represent a grain of sand of the worldwide spearos, many are very dedicated to the sport but a choice we brought up is not a world wide choice. It is our own preference.
One more little advice, you do not need long guns to get good range. We can compensate that with more rubbers and thicker long as you can live with the recoil.
As for which guns take biggest fishes, it is not entirely the success of the gun. Some spearos are exceptionaly good in stalking and breath hold. The other thing is to see where they hunt, heavenly location produce top fishes. Don't expect to find Tuna in a pond, right ? One last factor is luck. With all ur guns, skills and if there is no fish, zero fish is what you will get. If you hunt a place as barren as where Murat hunts, all the guns in the world won't help you.
Congrats on your MT3. Take any other aluminum/carbon gun of the same price and tell me the quality difference. If you tell me American cars are as good as Riffe-s I won't buy that, but if you tell me American made Riffe is one hell of an engineering beauty, you have my vote.
Ok Ok, the American cars are better now than the last 10 years but they still got a lot of catching to