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Rio Diving Report (wednesday)

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Ted Budion

Menace from the South
Aug 24, 2004
After being grounded for 3 months--due to a broken leg--wednesday was my home-coming :) . Conditions weren't that good, calm seas, but a fresh temp, 21° on the surface and 18° below 12 m. Viz was soapy: eventough we could make out the bottom outline at 10 m, it was very blurred :hmm . Buddies Luisinho, Marcelo (who I hadn't seen in 20 years) and I made a run to Rasa and Redonda Islands, off Rio.

Not much fish movement, but the dusky groupers were there :p , hidden in dark and deep cracks around the thermocline level (13 m). I got a 9 kg dusky, that took me 1 hour to extract (with a little help from my friend... and a cut to the head after hitting a rock :head ) and a 1 kg comb grouper. Luisinho got another 8 kg/18 lb. dusky, a 800 g sargo, another comb of same size, 4 slipper lobsters and a couple of nice octopi. Marcelo got himself a 6 kg dusky, a 3 kg almaco jack and a stringer full of octopi.

Not bad at all. The grand finale was to have a late lunch at the club
with the some of our own catch :D . That's me on black suit and Luisinho.
Merry Xmas to you all.


  • Ted_Luis_RasaPQ_211205.jpg
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LOVELY fish!!!

Good to see you back in the water!!!:D:D

Nice fish Ted,
these look exactly like the groupers we have in the med
They're the same fish species (Epinephelus marginatus). In The West Atlantic they're found only from latitudes 20°S to 39°S (SE Brazil to Bahía Blanca, Argentina). The big ones are more abundant in Southern Brazil.

Good to know that you are back in the water.

Nice Groupers.


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