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Roller gun vs Wooden gun

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Jan 20, 2013
Hey spearos!! Could anyone give me some pros and cons between a aluminium roller gun and a wooden twin band standard gun.
What about a wooden roller gun or a single band wooden gun?
Difficult to answer without knowing what you want to shoot & where you intend to hunt with it?
However in my mind - a wooded, balanced, high mass, low recoil gun is a lovely thing to own.
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I must agree with foxfish. Wood is the best. Now, roller or clasic? It depands what you want from the speargun. Both systems have their own advantages.
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yeah wood is definitely the most awesome. so a shorter roller would have as much power as a longer classic gun, but i think a longer would be more accurate??
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But it also depands what type of wooden roller. Single, duble, invert, "paranco" system, sigle roler + circular. Same size roller gun and clasic gun, with roler you will have more power. You will be also able to shot on bigger distances.
I personaly use wooden guns with 2x16 mm circulars or somethimes 3x16mm with 6.5 or 7mm shafts.
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