My Program - Long Description
Since running is not an option for me (it's hard on my knee's), I have devised a detailed workout program that has greatly improved my freediving fitness as I get ready for my trip to Miami next month.
Sundays, Tuesdays, & Thursdays - 20 minutes of chest stretching with lung packing. This is followed by Apnea laps in a 25 yard pool - swim at the surface for one length, then swim back underwater - this is done for 20 - 25 minutes to become adapted to the water via the mammalian dive reflex. Next I follow a program outlined by Pipin Ferraras that I have adapted for my own needs. I call it the 6-4-2-3 workout.
Sitting on the edge of a deep well (3 - 4 meters/ 10 - 12 feet deep) and with a weight belt between my legs, I ventilate for two minutes with the first minute doing 6 - 8 breath cycles and the last 55 seconds of the second minute doing 10 - 12 breath cycles. The last 5 seconds I inhale as deeply as possible and then drop over the edge and let the weight belt carry me down to the bottom of the pool. I put the weight belt over the back of my neck and relax as much as possible until the first good contraction. At this point I swim to the opposite side of the pool and back at a steady pace of about 50% effort. When I reach my starting point, I grab the weight belt and surface where I then hook breathe for a few seconds and then rest for one minute. The purpose of this skill is to control the urge to breathe and maintain complete control physically and psychologically at the same time. Repeat this skill 6 times.
Next I do a variation on the previous skill - start out as above , but with the weight belt on the bottom already, swim down to the bottom and then kick for 5 kick cycles while pushing off the bottom of the pool. Then put the weight belt over the back of the neck and relax until the first contraction - swim back and forth at a gradual increase in speed until you cannot go any more. The 5 kick cycles simulates diving down the first 10 meters/ 33 feet underwater. Do this skill 4 times.
Next, after resting for five minutes, is a type of intervals - swim to the bottom and back to the surface 10 times. When you surface, you can only take one inhalation before diving down again. This must be done as quickly as possible. After the first set is done, rest for 3 - 5 minutes and repeat with a second set. Total of two sets done.
Lastly, Do three negative pressure dives - the first one is done with a comfortable exhale and laying on the bottom of the pool for as long as possible. Surface - and rest for 1 minute. Then do a 2 minute ventilation as listed above. Dive two is done with a forced exhalation with only a mouth full of air to allow for any equalization of the ears. Repeat until you need to surface. Repeat rest and ventilation procedure. Last dive is done with a very forced exhalation, again with only a mouth full of air for equalization and lay on the bottom until you need to surface.
This workout typically takes about 90 minutes to 2 hours.
My Monday - Wednesday - Friday workout: 10 - 15 minutes of pack stretching, followed by leg stretching. I then workout on a elliptical exercise machine called a Reebok Body Trec. I workout for 30 minutes on level 4 - 5 on the interval setting. While doing this workout, I do 20 second apnea every 2 minutes on the hard sections and do 25 second apnea every other 2 minutes, so the cycle is 20 sec, 2minutes, 20 sec, 2 minutes, 25 seconds, 2 minutes...
After this is completed, I then concentrate on upper body lifting, utilizing the super slow lifting technique to fully maximize my upper body workout.
This usually takes about 2 hours to complete.
I take Saturday's off to fully recover.
Let me know your thoughts on this.
Please remember that you should always train with a partner if at all possible. Otherwise, never force the pool sessions unless you have a qualified person who can watch over you as you do the underwater workouts.
If you have any questions about this, please contact me via PM or via Instant messaging.