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Salmon Burgers

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Gear Buying addict
Sep 3, 2005
I tried this yesterday and i liked it very much:

2 salmon Fillets Skinned ( i had to skin mine yesterday ) and chopped into cubes
1 onion (I used spring onion) diced
handful chooped Dill
Handful chopped Corriander
lime juice
salt and pepper
1 eggwhite
some breadcrumbs

toasted brown bread buns, lettuce, tomato and onion slices for serving

For the mayonnaise:
some mayonaise in a small bowl, add some chopped corriander, chopped dill, salt, lime juice, chopped capers and mix well

Mix the fish and ingredients in a food processor into a paste, then take it out and pat it by hand into 4 burger patties, and cook on a hot griddle with some olive oil, until they are golden and cooked through...
then serve on the toasted brown bread buns, on a bed of lettuce and tomatoe (and onion if you like) and top with the mayonaise
serve with some fries..

very tasty/very healthy
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Reactions: Pav
i think one can try the same with Tuna as well..maybe another day
Nice, I reckon they’d be good with a bit of chilli in them.
I’ll give them a go next week.
Podge, i noticed something, you really like spicy stuff dont you mate , i dont post here a lot, but the last time i did, i believe you also recommended chillies..
but youre right, I almost dont drink anymore (just occasionally, once every blue moon), but i would imagine that burger should be spiced up, if youre having a pint with it that combination always works:friday..although you do notice the effects the next morning :crutch rofl
Mmmmm....Yum! Salm-burger's!

We make 'em pretty much the same way here...Only sometimes I use smoked salmon instead! :t
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Reactions: podge

You can’t beat a bit of heat mate especially if you’re having a cool beer with it.
I bet you try a couple of the old long ones tonight mate even if you are now almost tee-total.:friday:friday
i tried that same recipe today but with Tuna instead, (and yes added some chilli captain podge )...was yummy, i think i liked it better then the salmon..so did my wife...
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