Who is Roger Harrison?
After reading Erik’s and Amphibious comments I became real curious over who actually wrote this article. It seemed the person through lack of knowledge or purposely distorting of the truth, is not a Saudi citizen. Here is the link to the article in CDNN
http://www.cdnn.info/eco/e030901a/e030901a.html . Its even more degrading with a picture of Pipin Ferreras titled “How many fish can you kill in an hour?”
The article says, “by Roger Harrison”, and then at the end says, “SOURCE - Arab News”. The link to the article in Arab News is
http://www.arabnews.com/?page=1§ion=0&article=31239&d=2&m=9&y=2003, and it is written by Roger Harrison, Arab New Staff. Who is Roger Harrison and what is the Arab News? Well the first thing I can say, with a name like that, he is probably no Saudi national.
From what I could gather, reading their web page, the Arab News is an English paper written, by some people from the Middle East and some Americans and maybe Europeans. It profiles some of the writers, but unfortunately Mr. Harrison is not one of them. An internet search reveals he has written several articles for the Arab News ranging in subjects from George Bush and Tony Blair to mistreatment of pets, specifically snakes, in Saudi Arabia.
It appears to me, that Mr. Harrison has used his position with the paper to push a personally held belief. I also don’t believe the article was written just to inform people of something bad that was happening in Saudi Arabia, but to push his belief that spearfishing is bad, everywhere. I would have felt a little better if Mr. Harrison had at least mentioned fishing, both commercially and recreational, as a source of marine destruction.
The unfortunate thing that the internet search also revealed, is that several publications picked up the article. I guess anything to do with the Middle East is hot news now.