tigers and oceanics
Hi guys,
I hope you don't mind if I jump in here. To begin with, I have had the pleasure of coming into contact with: grey reefs, galapagos, white tip reefs, black tip reefs, silver tips, hammerheads, tigers, one whale shark, and two makos (one 2ft long and another 12ft long). I fish a lot here on Kauai (both trolling and spearing). In all this time I have come to a few conclusions about most of these sharks. Keep in mind that all my experiences have occured in very clear water (90ft +)
1) sharks aren't "mean", they are a product of their environment.
bad fishing for them translates to more bit first mentality. I have found that all the above sharks exhibited a curiousness that I feel show intelligence. (can't speak for whites)
2) Tiger sharks have harrassed me less than any other shark (except whale

What is dangerous about them is that they like to sneak up on you from behind but will usually just go for you stringer/bag (that's why my float line is 100' long) and if confronted back off.
3) Although an attack by a tiger is bad it's not very common. What I would fear more in tropical water is a grey reef. These are very teritorial and can/will turn nasty without provocation. And without concern for its own safety. When spearing here in Hawaii and there is a grey around, I leave.. period. Although very rarely are attacks by greys deadly they can relieve you of a hand arm etc.
4)Hammerheads get a really bad rap. I have had the most enjoyable experiences with hammerheads (they come in every spring). At no time have I felt threatened by them.
5) Oceanic white tips are the most aggressive shark I have ever come across (never have swam with them yet). Some of them use the FAD bouys to pin fish into them as they feed, often hitting the bouys with great force.
That being said, I never trust any predator (shark, seal, or dolphin) while I am spearing. They can/will take your fish and sometimes get angry when you can't or won't provide them with more.
I fear i've written a novel here, but I have an utmost respect and love for sharks. They impress me more than any other animal I have seen in the ocean (or out). In one animal is a definition of the ocean, power, grace, etc etc....
I too feel that shark feeding, dolphin feeding, AND as a tour operator I've seen first hand the damage that can occur by fish feeding.
It's good to know that other people in this world are sharing the idea that we need to start leaving things be and take what you need and leave out the greed.
Aloha Chris