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Scottish spearfishing 2011

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Oct 5, 2007
Hi guys,
we thought a separate thread for Scottish spearoes might be a good idea.
If it takes off it can become a 'sticky', if not, well no harm done.

We expect lots of trip reports and great photos. :)
Many thanks for starting this.
It seems there are a few of us around (2 tucked up in Shetland not including myself) and a good few on the mainland especialy around Edinburgh.
Hopefully we can all meet up soon.
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Good on you lads, I hear those Scottish water are paved with Lobster, just need a few pictures before we make the long trip up.
Ooh - pressures on now! Certainly no chance of getting out on the E coast until these Easterlies settle and we get the biz back.
Been out twice so far.
The first session was with Jon Bridges out at the Torness Nuclear Power Station.
I didn't manage any fish myself but jon got a fine pollack and wrasse. He kindly donated the wrasse to myself and it was put to good use in the best tasting fishcakes I have ever made. (Thai Style).
The fish were had around the breakwater which is meant to be a prime pollack/cod location.

We had a quick dabble in the hotwater outflow from the station. What a place. A wee bit of a current but certainly roasting! No bass though.

My second trip was out with Pete (restlesslemon) out to a spot at Tantallon. Limited vis, a nice long swim there and buk but good fun none the less. Beautiful scenery there with Bass rock a stones through away.

Many thanks to the lads for taking me out/showing locations.

I shall be heading there tomorrow morning to catch the low tide and hopefully my first lobster. Fingers crossed the next update has some photos of a fish...
Hello folks

I'm looking for dive sites near Inverness - was thinking of Chanonry Point.
Google Maps

Wilkhaven looks interesting too:
Google Maps

Anyone got any other ideas?
Hi Ronnie.
Welcome to DB.
I don't know the area myself but it is worth googling shore angling locations and going from there.
Shore angling is dead in Shetland with very little information so I just headed out to kelpy areas. Where I expected fish I found none... If there are any breakwaters for marinas it is worth checking them out. Uusally a good few pollack, coalies and dog fish.

I was out again today. No fish but saw a good few lobbies and managed to get one myself. No chance of getting the big eens with my hands. Looks like a noose o tickle stick is required.
Currently tucking into it just now with a side of sea urchin roe. Mmmm

The sea is warming up folks
Hi there all,
enjoying following the thread
My Mrs used to go camping arround Arisaig when she was young. My deavious mind instantly wondered if there was any deacent spearing to be had round there?? and i could plan a romantic trip down memory lanerofl
Hi Spudguncat

I used to scallop over Mallaig and managed to get in the water round arisaig a couple of times, the sea loch itself was a ghostly place- silty bottom with thousands of silver welk trails all over it, strangely beautiful, missing only a tumbleweed rolling past- saw no fish but bagged a few welks and on the way back to the shore bumped into a bunch of oysters... though since found I shouldn't have chomped them as they were rare natives.

The beaches to the north have some rocky headlands that should have fish. Take some salt with you as many of Morars sands have monster spoots (nigh on 1 footers , well worth salting these at around 2-5m

Mallaig, just up the road has lots of rock & kelp just off the road, you'll spear a pollack here for sure!
Hi all,
Anyone in Shetland, i'm being shipped up for work next week and have plenty of room for my kit, any advise on location or anyone who fancies a dive then plse give me a shout!

Hi Dave. Sent a pm but i'm not sure if it sent as the screen went white. I'm afraid i'm down in edinburgh at the mo. I'll send you a message tonight with some links and information. Where abouts will you be staying and working? Fish may be thin on the ground, plenty of shellfish to be had. Cheers.
Posted via Mobile Device
Cheers Mabster,

staying at Sunburgh airfield, but working Sullom Voe terminal.

will have a vehicle so nowhere should be out of bounds!

That is quite the drive Dave! A fine few spots up near Sullom Voe way. A few potential down Sumburgh. Reefs offshore that may hold fish. There is a bay next to the airport that may hold flatties as do the many beaches. My new house is a few miles up from the airport. Lovely place!

Appologies for name mix up in above post. Restlesslemon is Mark and not Pete.

Wednesday shall be lobster day!
Nice one Deepete cheers for the info
you should be sponsored by a certain muscle cream with a name like yours rotfl!!
cheers fella
yup, seems like a busy time in Shetland to find accomodation, although i should only need to make that drive for work on one day, we'll have some flying toys based on the airfield for the other days.

i'm looking forward to trying the spearing though, but do you not think there will be much to shoot?
Pete and I had a fine wee swim this morning at a lovely location full of overhangs, tunnels and hollowed out sections. No fish were spotted but I had a wee conversation with a lobster. We decided he was just too small to take and he was left happy. It was nice chillaxing and observing rather than on the hunt.

I took my new torch out for a shot (just a small 30 lumens) and was pleasantly surprised at just what shows up with a torch. No overhang or crevace is safe now!

A quick paddle in a burn followed by a walk up through masses of wild garlic, flowers and a breathtakingly beautiful gorge ended a most fine session.
Reactions: spudguncat
All - great to see a few spearos around! I'm based in Aberdeen and always on the look out for good spots and maybe organising a clan gathering of the spearos!

Not found any great spots around Aberdeenshire just yet - Pennan isn't too bad. Not tried Peterhead power station yet, but rumoured to have Bass...will believe it when i see it ;-)

if anyone fancies organising a weekend's fishing, give me a shout!

