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scuba diving in France & Italy

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Fred Reicher

New Member
Feb 21, 2002
I will be in France (Paris & Avignon ) from May 30th to June 10th and would like to do some diving.
I am an experienced diver (27 years ) i will have my own gear. i am Naui and Padi certified.
I will also be in Italy,( Tuscany, Florence, & Venice ) from June 10 th to June 23rd. Iwould appreciate any info you could send my way.

This guy, Fred is a personal friend of mine and I would look veeery kindly on you if you could hook him up with the info. He's good people.

Welcome to DB, Brussel.

Diving in France

Crazy Frenchman.
How far is Paris or Avignon from Brittany. I may not have a car, so i may need to take a train.

The door to brittany is Rennes. The TGV (high speed train) from paris to Rennes is at every hour and it takes 2h to get there. Check out their web site (www.sncf.com) or go directly to the Montparnasse train station and jump in.

Once in Rennes, you need to drive between 1 and 2 hour to get to a good dive site. I mostly do apnea here, since i dont have a boat but a 2 seat kayak. The only way to scuba is to do shore dive if you dont have a boat and dont want to dive in a club.

I know a couple of shore diving place that i haven't tried yet for scuba. I hope to know them by may and also maybe have a zodiak :D !

If you want to do club diving, be aware that here, if you're not "french federation" certified, you're an heretic :( I'm a Proud PADI DM and they just dont care, they wouldn't let me get deeper then 60 feet....

By the way, brittany is the north-west part of france. Keep me update on your plans :)
med cert

Also, when you come in France to dive, make sure you got a medical certification stating you are able to dive. It must be no more then one year old.
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