I'm certified scuba as well now - as of last October - the very last weekend in October, too, might I add. For anyone who knows Canadian waters that means a whole lot of COLD water in my 27 scuba dives since then.
For a period of time over Dec/Jan I was just so hooked on scuba, I lived, ate, breathed, and dreamed scuba. My freediving days in the summer were but a distant memory.
Then my buddy flyboy748 from Toronto e-mailed me one day and said, hey I'm putting in an order, can I add in those long fins you wanted...?
The fins arrived and naturally I couldn't wait to try them out. Add that to the fact that I had finally learned to equalize using the Frenzel (thanks Eric Fattah) and when I slipped back into the water unencumbered and free, I wondered why I had ever thought I could stay away.......
Don't get me wrong, I still scuba dive. For one thing, it's a whole lot easier to find scuba buddies than freedive buddies. But I have to agree, scuba is definitely equipment-intensive. It takes me about a half hour to gear up for a scuba dive, and that's if my BC and tank are already rigged and I'm hurrying. However when the waves are beckoning me to freedive, inside 15 minutes I can be wet.....
If I could choose only one, for the rest of my life, it would have to be freediving for many many reasons.
Not to mention, scuba diving always costs so much MONEY.........