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Scuba university project

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Jan 31, 2024
Hi all,
I am a university student at Sussex University studying product design. I am currently working on a final-year project focusing on helping scuba diving become more sustainable.
I have 2 really quick surveys to complete so I can get this project started! (linked below) Any responses to this would be extremely helpful!

I would also value and appreciate any information you are willing to share on this subject matter!


Before I answer the questionnaires, what do you mean by "more sustainable?' It's not consumptive and doesn't seem to be under any threats.
Before I answer the questionnaires, what do you mean by "more sustainable?' It's not consumptive and doesn't seem to be under any threats.
At the moment I am currently researching the impacts that divers have on the marine environment and am looking to find a way to reduce this impact or spread knowledge on ways to reduce it through the use of a product. With 70% of our reefs under threat and climate change getting worse the threat to this environment it will continue to increase. My research has already shown that the diving community lacks the general knowledge to allow them to take further steps to be even more environmentally friendly, especially as the community grows and really help the reefs.
It's inspiring to see students like you making a real difference.
I'll definitely take a few moments to fill out your surveys and provide some feedback.
What is the product you intend to help the problem?
From years working in the industry I find the majority of Divers, particularly professionals, to be very enviornmentally conscious.
As someone who began snorkelling back in the early 1960s, I for one would certainly welcome further progress towards sustainable development via a reduction in the use of petroleum-derived synthetics for basic diving equipment manufacture in the modern western world and a return to mask, snorkel, fin and suit production using the traditional plant-based materials, such as natural rubber, prevalent a half-century ago. By way of illustration, in our new millennium, the Japanese swim fin market remains dominated by all-rubber full-foot and open-heel models, while certain South American innovators are already replacing petroleum-derived neoprene with natural rubber from indigenous flora when it comes to the material they use to manufacture their wetsuits.
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It's inspiring to see students like you making a real difference.
I'll definitely take a few moments to fill out your surveys and provide some feedback.
And hey, if you need any additional insights or information on the subject, don't hesitate to give me a shout.
On a personal note, I've been pondering my next steps after graduation, and cinematography has been calling my name.
And hey, if you need any additional insights or information on the subject, don't hesitate to give me a shout.
On a personal note, I've been pondering my next steps after graduation, and cinematography has been calling my name.
Prague Film Institute (https://www.praguefilminstitute.cz/) caught my eye as a potential avenue to pursue that passion. It's a big decision, but I'm excited about the possibilities.
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