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Searching for information about how to tread water with a monofin

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Nov 17, 2022
I used to do freedive years ago.
My choice back then was a Specialfins fin with Omer footpockets.
I had to customize them to get a proper fit.

Now I´m training to get back into the water, and thought that treading water would be a fine way to build up condition.
I´ve done that before with great results.
Back then I used to hold a pair of those cheap plasticky dumbbells to add some weight and get a nice workout.
I used this technique to warm up, taking on ever heavier dumbbells.
This kind of stationary monofin training works even in very tight places... like a water tank lol

I just can´t find any vids or information
I used to do freedive years ago.
My choice back then was a Specialfins fin with Omer footpockets.
I had to customize them to get a proper fit.

Now I´m training to get back into the water, and thought that treading water would be a fine way to build up condition.
I´ve done that before with great results.
Back then I used to hold a pair of those cheap plasticky dumbbells to add some weight and get a nice workout.
I used this technique to warm up, taking on ever heavier dumbbells.
This kind of stationary monofin training works even in very tight places... like a water tank lol

I just can´t find any vids or information
Thing here is, I had an idea for a new type of monofin, but in order to test it I would like to somehow measure it´s effectiveness. Water treading with dumbbells should be good enough to produce useful information and make improvements.
Thing here is, I had an idea for a new type of monofin, but in order to test it I would like to somehow measure it´s effectiveness. Water treading with dumbbells should be good enough to produce useful information and make improvements.
OK, I found something related to treading water dolphin-style under "vertical dolphin", but its without fins...
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