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Seattle Area Freediving

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May 17, 2018
Hi, I've been freediving in Puget Sound around Alki for the last ~1.5 years. There a couple of my coworkers that I've been freediving with, but I'm always looking for new people to go diving with. I'm a recreational diver who's usually just there to enjoy the scenery. I usually go diving most weekends especially now that the water's warming up (although sadly that mean's the visibility's going to drop). If you're interested in meeting up for a dive, send me a message!
Hi, I've been freediving in Puget Sound around Alki for the last ~1.5 years. There a couple of my coworkers that I've been freediving with, but I'm always looking for new people to go diving with. I'm a recreational diver who's usually just there to enjoy the scenery. I usually go diving most weekends especially now that the water's warming up (although sadly that mean's the visibility's going to drop). If you're interested in meeting up for a dive, send me a message!

I am interested. I move back to the sound in one month. I will be living on a sailboat in Olympia with my family. I am looking to do some free diving in the sound. 7mm about right? Any spots down south that you know to dive? I also spearfish if you’re into that at all. Let me know.

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Awesome! Let me know when you get here. I mostly dive around Alki because I live there, but I'd be interested in exploring new spots. I actually wear a 3mm (open cell freediving) during the summer, but thicker suits in the winter (although I have 5mm gloves and socks on year round). However, you can't go wrong with a thicker suit as you can always break the seal and flush it with water if you find yourself getting too hot.

I'm not super into spearfishing personally, but one of my coworkers wants to try it out. However, I don't know if there are many good spots in Puget Sound to do it. The local fishing is fairly restricted to protect the local populations. I think you need to head for deeper water either on the west coast of WA or up around Neah bay and Cape Flattery for most spear fishing. However, the Dungeness crab season is about to start for the summer. Unfortunately, even that's going to be restricted this year. Not only was there not a winter season at all last year, but some parts of the sound (everything south of Vashon Island) aren't even going to open for summer.
Hey! I just got into freediving. I grew up in Seattle and visit often. I was wondering if you could free dive in Alki. I'd love to go! I always see folks scuba but never freedive. Have you ever caught crab while freediving?
Hi there,

I enjoy free diving occasionally and have my Open Water cert as well. I sometimes free dive for crabs and plan to next week.
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