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Secondry Smoke Damage

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bevan dewar

Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2001
I've often wondered what price my lungs pay for spending long hours in smokey bars. It cant be much different from actually smoking a couple. Can anyone quantify this damage to my suffering alvioli, or am I worrying needlessly? cheers
I've been wondering about this too. I'm sick of paying the price for other people smoking. How damaging is the second hand smoke? How much of the harmful stuff is removed when it's inhaled by the smoker?

You'll pay

Most of the studies said that "second hand" smoking doesn't affect the lungs unless you're a child. But few others said that some damge occurs to the lungs even if you are a "second hand" smoker. Some have found immflamatory cells in a high numbers of smokers without pulmonary symptoms. A study from my students found alteration of Pulmonary Function Test in adolescents after being 4 hours in a Disco or Bar.
I think that even second hand exposure is bad for our lungs
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It IS Bad

Second-hand smoke IS bad. The smoker exhales 4000+ hazardous chemicals and 43 of which are cancer causing. There were 53 000 deaths in the US alone linked to second-hand smoke. There is NO safe exposure to second-hand smoke.

I hope I didn't scare you too badly,


actually the second hand smoker gets all the naughty stuff that the smoker gets + all the stuff that the filter gets for the smoker but not for you..
I find it very clear that it must be bad for me to hang in such places as bevan dewar said. I start feeling nauseous and get a headache. Best thing is to avoid such places as smokey bars.

And if someone is smoking in a public place and the smoke is going in your direction, burst into a fake coughing fit, works a treat. And if they happen to be smoking in a no smoking area, ask them to stop, and if they refuse, get abusive!

Matt (sick of paying for other people's addictions) Brown
wait a minute...are you guys saying that I should stop smoking to be a better freediver?


Yes TM

Smoking has a lot of deleterous effects not only in the lungs (heart, arteries, cell DNA, to name a few). In the lungs it produces inflammation of the linning cells and it affects your expiratory and inspiratory volume, lowers yours vital capacity.
So, the answer is Yes.
uhm....just joking. I used to smoke after sex, but then I realized I was doing it to fast.

I quit smoking soon after I quit diving for a living. The stress just wasn't there anymore.
Of course , in this day and age EVERYBODY knows smoking is deleterious to your health , be it first or second hand .
To answer your question , Blues : have been smoking 30 a day since 1980 . Only quit for three years1998 - 2000 . while participating in competitive freediving .
Guys , on reflection I want to make it clear that in no way am I trying to imply that it's O.K. to smoke . Am merely admitting to a personal weakness/addiction .
TM : I can relate to your statement on diving related stress ...:(
you know something, dont beat yourself up for smoking. I look at it like a phase of my life. I smoke therefore I am. wait a minute...

I didn't consider it a weakness, its just something I did. I quit when I didn't want to anymore. That simple. If we all went around hating ourselves for something we did in the past, there would be a lot of unhappy people in the world...ummm....If we continue hating ourselves for things we did in the past, we are going to continue to be unhappy.

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Well said TM....we can't change the past, and shouldn't worry about the future.
I smoked for 14 years until 10 years ago....drank gallons of alcohol, and a few other unmentionable vices, but I don't regret it...it made me who I am today, so cest la vie.
Erik the philosopher
Sure "puff puff".. I am not saying "aahh" .. that I regret it _ I damn well enjoy it :D
Merely recognizing that it is detrimental to my health and apnea performance
Aaah hell

I smoke - been smoking for around 5 or 6 years. I started smoking because I was in a very high-stress job, and then got addicted. It's not just a habit, it's an addiction.

I've been spearing for 11 years now, and my downtime took around a year to get back to pre-smoking times after I started. It's now pretty good, but I regret smoking every time I dive.

The main thing about mixing smoking and diving is that you get absolutely NO warning before a Samba or blackout. So I don't push myself to the limits. Bummer.

DON'T SMOKE !!!Don't even think about starting.
When I was in medical school I did some research in a respiratory physiology lab and we checked pulmonary functions in smokers vs non-smokers. It is no surprise that the smokers fared much worse. What I found interesting was that non-smokers who grew up in urban areas (such as NY, Hong-Kong, etc) had pretty bad PFT's. Bottomline: if possible, try to stay away from any kind of air pollution.
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