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Semi Static Apnoea

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New Member
Feb 3, 2002
Gidday Fellas (and ladies)

I'm not a free diver but an Underwater Hockey player. As such some of your breath hold times are quite mind boggling. I've never dived to depth but I have done some training with time and distance but mostly distance over a short time.

Longest breath hold 3:42
Longest distance 75m
and some other stuff like 50mX10 @1min intervals
I've also been timed holding my breath for more than 1 minute during a game at our world champs. My coach was unimpressed...

Needless to say none of this is much fun. Does anybody else suffer from diaphragm spasms after about 2mins? The other thing I was wondreing about was has anybody had their Blood O2 and Blood Co2 measured while in static apnoea Low points? I also study people with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea, a common disorder in the middle aged (do freedivers and hockey players end up being more prone to it's cousin Central Sleep Apnoea because of our Co2 response curves?).
Had my heart rate and O2 measured on a 3:33 dry satic
Before static :) hr: 60 , O2 : 98%
At 3:33 :( , HR 42, O2: 79%

Took 3 breaths to bring O2 back to 98%

No idea on the CO2 levels. :confused:
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Very interesting. Thanks very much. I've also remembered watching a TV show on freediving where one of the pros SaO2 dropped into the 30s after 4mins. So I'm actually quite surprised how high yours is after 3mins (must be a very sudden dip in the 3-4mins?). My Obstructive Sleep Apnoea patients can often go lower than that. But they are not quite as fit as you are, Hennie.

The Heart rate while breath holding is not unexpected (bradycardia). Interestingly after apnoea there is a rapid rise in both your HR and Blood Pressure.

How do you Free Dive in Pretoria? Or are you a hockey player like me?
Hey Kleptonat, welcome, welcome,

I did a dry static last spring while measuring HR & O2 levels - here you go:

just after breatheup - HR 85 / O2 @ 99%

@ 3:40 of static - HR 44 / O2 @ 74%

The long dive times you have read about come from getting the mammalian dive refex working. Check the other threads if you want more info.

The spasms you mention. Are they after 2 min of dynamic apnea (while swimming)? Also, are you talking about a contraction of the diaphragm which steadily increases in frequency the longer you hold?
If yes to both of my questions, I do get those (as do most freedivers). A great technique to lengthen the time between your first and second contraction is to "pump" your mask: using only your nose, inhale the air in your mask and then slowly exhale into the mask without having air escape from your mask. Repeat 2-4 times and this will recirculate "unused air" in the mask, throat, sinus, etc. down to where the lungs can use it.

Probaby more than you wanted....


i am pool bound most of the time but get to go diving every second month or so at a 55m hole about 230km away from Pretoria.
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