As yours smoothly is going to off to do some deep stuff for a long time, I thought I'd get you all taken care of by putting up the Septmeber stuff now, as doing it from 600' is a tad difficult. I can either monitor the site or turn gas knobs, and while you all are on my christmas list, well... And while this month comes early, it don't come prematurely. I promise. :king
Colin has graciously submitted this month's photo of a couple of DB stalwarts, one greatly better looking and outfitted than the other. What she's thinking and what he's remarking are things only you know, so share with the rest of us, eh?
That was Canadian by the way. :head And no the August contest is still going on, so get after it as well. :martial
Be well and I'll check in late September. I'm off to pack my hat and hose. :hmm
Colin has graciously submitted this month's photo of a couple of DB stalwarts, one greatly better looking and outfitted than the other. What she's thinking and what he's remarking are things only you know, so share with the rest of us, eh?
That was Canadian by the way. :head And no the August contest is still going on, so get after it as well. :martial
Be well and I'll check in late September. I'm off to pack my hat and hose. :hmm
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