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David C Galea

Oct 14, 2016
Looking to purchase a shark shield, I hate the idea that Im going to be getting zapped all the time any info on the product would be greatly appreciated thanks.
Hi David,

I take it you're referring to the Freedom 7 model.

Unless I've seen a threatening shark, I normally don't use it when diving from a boat as it just gets in the way. It does take a bit of time getting used to diving with it as you have to keep track of the antenna because if it lands on you or you on it then you will get shocked. The shock however isn't bad. The best I can describe it is, it feels like an electrical pulse, it doesn’t hurt at all. It is however uncomfortable when trying to keep perfectly still during aspetto and a part of you twitches because it's in contact with antenna.
Thanks land-shark that is exactly what I have been told, unfortunately the majority of my hunting is hole hunting where I get into some unorthodox positions and I can just see myself getting zapped all the time but on the other hand for me where I want to dive the landlord checks the rent more frequent than I prefer so with that being said Im leaning towards a purchase,all the data I have read and watched on the product seems to be the best option out there short of staying home and thats really not a option for me, thanks for the reply.
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Soon after taking up spearing and before I had seen any sharks, thinking it would bring me some peace of mind, I bought a freedom 7 but only used it once. It was so annoying! Constantly getting zapped and upsetting my finning.
Soon after taking up spearing and before I had seen any sharks, thinking it would bring me some peace of mind, I bought a freedom 7 but only used it once. It was so annoying! Constantly getting zapped and upsetting my finning.
Thanks Nicko I have been preparing for the shock, I was told if I cut a thick wool sock to fit directly where the battery harness attaches to your leg it lessens the zap quite a bit I have a buddy of a buddy who swears bye it Ill let you know thanks for the response.
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