From the article about the comerical shark fisher:
Shark species only increase their populations by around 3% in a year because their only real predator is man," she said.
I vote "NO".
Definitly not for Ego purposes - "look, I shot something that was alive only because it was big and has the reputation of a fierce predator..."
I'de say that not even for food... it's just not needed. unless you can really claim it's the only way to sustain your family, and I presume that if that was true then spending time infront of the computer is not the right thing either.
And if it is after my fish, than it's a loss I'm willing to take, it's still better then killing it...
I go along Rob's point of view, if there is going to be some conflict, I'de be the one to get out, rather then willing to fight it if necessery.
Fish procreates much more than than mamels, it explains why entire societies and economies have managed to relay uppon them in history. Sharks are one of the exceptions, 3% per year of population growth is very similar to the human species (2 point something percent), they are not procreating as a specie that is in the lower levels of the food chain. The ilegal and commercial fishing is doing enough to upset the natural order of this food chain, I think that we should'nt aggrevate this situation.
Spearfishers tend to be much more responsible and environmentaly conscious then normal fishers that just catch whatever they can...
I also think that sharks are worth much more as one of those creatures you encounter underwater then on your plate, even though I dove only with reef sharks...
I hope I managed to arouse some second thoughts by who ever thought of shooting one.
lets say it was coming at them aggressively
I hope this won't start a new hunting trend as was presented in southpark once: looking at a family of bunnies grazing peacefully in the pasture.... through the sights of a BAZOOKA, and then shouting: "oh no! they are coming right at us!!" and using your right for self defense....