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Shooting range??

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neoprene dreamer
Aug 22, 2001
OK I am biginner in this spearfishing thing and next week I am off to GOOD hunting grounds...
I have a Omer Aluminium 75cm speargun.. one of the Euro guns I assume..
What I would like to know is what is a range of such gun.. I mean "if" the wiz is perfect and the fish are big and slow.. OK if if if .. but still how far can you spear a fish? the line attached to the spear is 3*75 approx and is then 2m 25cm, plus the spear...so it adds up to about 3m is that deadly range?
I mean I am sure I'll lear that in a day at the Sea above Norway... But I am just interested..

I think the size of the spear has a lot to do with it eg My RA 110 is fitted with a single 20mm rubber 50cm long and a 7.5mm spear, My mate has a 100 picasso with a 50cm single band 16mm rubber and a 6.5mm shaft. Even though my rubber has twice the power in it his has more range cos of the light shaft, this dosent mean he gets more fish than me he he he

Lighter shaft has longer range??? I don`t think so. Heavier shaft has longer range with proper band power.
Actualy how far the "Shaft" go's is an easy question... It go's as far as the water is deep... so probly a few hundred feet average.
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Let me re-phrase this..
What is your longest shot ever? actually getting the fish you aimed for??
Hello Pekka,

Let me answer ur question. But this is a rough guest based on a Picasso 90 cm that I tried with +- 18mm rubber. So I deduct a bit 4 u.

U must tell me is ur rubber new ? and how many mm is the size.

If I am allowed to guess, conservatively Ur useful range should be about 1.7 meters maximum, this should guarantee good penetration for under 5kg snapper shot at the body, not gill. Try to shoot at water/empty. If the shaft can pull your gun decently strong that means it still has left over energy at 3meter, so a more generous safe bet will be 2.0 max. Well, not much but 75cm is more a cave/hole gun.

Happy Hunting...

Murat you said heavier shaft longer range with right band power this may be true on big guns like Riffes, but were talking about a small euro gun here that can take a max of 2 bands.
Originally posted by Iyadiver
Hello Pekka,

Let me answer ur question. But this is a rough guest based on a Picasso 90 cm that I tried with +- 18mm rubber. So I deduct a bit 4 u.

U must tell me is ur rubber new ? and how many mm is the size.

If I am allowed to guess, conservatively Ur useful range should be about 1.7 meters maximum, this should guarantee good penetration for under 5kg snapper shot at the body, not gill. Try to shoot at water/empty. If the shaft can pull your gun decently strong that means it still has left over energy at 3meter, so a more generous safe bet will be 2.0 max. Well, not much but 75cm is more a cave/hole gun.

Happy Hunting...

Thanks IYA, my rubber is brand new as well as the gun.. it is about 25cm long.
I'll be shooting at VERY Good Viz so hope I get some fish... I'll let you know how it went..
I'll be leaving soon for two week fishing trip up north..
Safe diving
yea Omer Alluminium is good gun but if iwere you i would buy 90 cm for good viz waters.I assume you will do cave and reef hunting.With 90 cm OMER Alluminium with single 16mm bands and 6.3 shaft you can get almost 4 meter effective range.Your 75 cm gun; as IYA says 2 meter max for horizontal range and 3-4.5 meter for vertical effective range.
Spot on.. 2m was about the max... it is hard to say underwater though, but I would think so..
I never really needed the range, the water was clear and the fish stupid! they came just right close and all you needed to do was pull the trigger and the fish was yours.. It was bit too easy I mean I felt like a butcher underwater and so I didn't shoot many fish. Unfortunately I don't have any pics of them...our camera was stolen on our way up there ¤%&#¤&!!!

Hi Pekka,

Spot on.. 2m was about the max...

So, my experiment does do others and myself some good.
Anyway, where is this GOOD place Pekka ? Anytime I heard a place having clear water & stupid fish sounds so tempting.
So what have u been shooting....are they delicous ??

Have fun and tell us ur stories.

Dive Safe
Originally posted by Murat
Lighter shaft has longer range??? I don`t think so. Heavier shaft has longer range with proper band power.

Longer range versus the ability to punch and hold a fish, that's the question. A lighter, thinner shaft will fly faster and farther than a heavy shaft, but it won't have any oomph to tag the fish. A heavy shaft will accelerate fairly evenly and then die off as it's weight begins to offset it's acceleration, but whatever it hits will hurt.

For your usual viz there Pekka, and with the length gun you have, which is fine by the way, keep your targets to about 1.5-2m and always less if you can fool 'em. Sounds like you had a great time... now get ready for a lifetime of disappointments and frustrations interrupted by rare and fulfilling glimpses of success with hunting fish.

Place where whe were was on northern norway, close by russian border. Visibility was great compared to our normal visibility here in finland, and there was whole lot more to see. Although i wouldnt compare that to red sea egypt..
Most of people who go diving to norway from here, do not go where we went. The shores were quite shallow, and we were not able to find very deep places. Its likely that in places where divers usually go,

The fish me and Pekka shoot were coalfish. coalfish can grow as large as 1 meter and weight around 50 kg, or even bigger. What we shot were rather small though, around the maximun sixe of 40 cm and about half a kilo.
As Pekka mentioned there was a plenty of them, and they were very curious. If youd just wait on the bottom laying still, they would come to take a closer look at you.

Even with the good visibility it didnt seem like our 75cm guns were too small, since we didnt see any very big fish, or any fish that wouldnt come close enough for our equipment.

We had fun, but looking forward to going to a warmer place to dive, and maybe spear some fish in the beginning of october.

As Pekka mentioned our camera was stolen on our way up there so unluckily we are not able to post pictures from there.

Tuomo ( Pekkas older brother and dive buddy.)
I have a quite similar 75cm gun (SeacSub). On my last trip to Italy I got some fish at 1-1.5m. It was quite difficult, because those were verrrrry careful goldlines? (Boops salpa) Getting that near was difficult and time-consuming.
Glad to hear that there are still some good places for spearfishing...
I'll drive to Croatia in a few days, and hopefully there will be some curious, slow and not too clever fish around;)
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