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Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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fat flotilla
Aug 16, 2004
Could somebody please translate this advertisement for me?


  • shrimp.jpg
    84.8 KB · Views: 236
Well for what I can figure, Deep, it's pretty much a Coney Hot Dog....er...minus the hot dog and replaced with a whole fried shrimp. From the picture it's got all of the No.1 American fixins...ketchup, mustard, onions, a big bun..

I'm just wanting to know exactly how they're pitching this as appetizing.

What's next?

pickled shrimp feet?

hot'n'spicy shrimp skins?

perhaps shrimp back bacon?

Is shrimp going to replace pork altogether one day? What about shrimp and pork wontons?!

What about Fisher Price's See'n'Say toy...will a shrimp replace the PIG?

What noise does a shrimp make anyway?!!


  • seensay.jpg
    70.3 KB · Views: 225
Yep I can help you there Sinky
It says, "Wa ho wang ma he no ya ming wa." It's Chinese.
sinkweight said:
I'm just wanting to know exactly how they're pitching this as appetizing.
I've seen wierd enough snacks and food in SE-Asia so it won't surprise me if they don't need aggressive marketing to sell this kind of product. I won't even give examples as I've seen (and tried) too many.
I think that the Whizzo Chocolate company will be very successful in some places there. :)

Taste is also a cultural thing, consider this: the most common extra on Dominos pizza in Japan is squid (or so I've heard).
I thought it looked Korean, Deep. Any translators about Deeperblue...as I really AM interested in knowing what the add says.
I recall being required to be in Seoul and having an uncommon day off decided to go to the local version of an amusement park. As I got off the train and climbed the stairs, I saw a couple buying a snack for their four-year-old from a local vender who was sitting on the steps. He had a little propane mountain stove and a bag of dried squid. They were about . . . 8-12" long? Something like that. I swear, he took the dried squid, laid it :hungover on top of the stove until it was scorched, collected his money and handed it to the kid. The little guy tore into it like it was a chocolate bar! Yurk! And here I though Phillippine food was foreign. :yack
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Man that dried squid is certainly a taste sensation! I got a liking for the dried squid that is kind of sweet and hot.
I think they soak it in sweet soya sauce and then run it through a kind of mangle to tenderise it, then they dry it.
real tasty if you get to like the taste.
I think the worst thing I have ever eaten was Icelandic rotted shark. Bleaaargh!! they think it is great with a glass of Aquavit.
Each to their own I guess.
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I just did a search on Steff Houlgerg the name on the package. It is Danish and they do packaging for other products. You could track down who they did it for and maybe what it is and we could all order one.
My mouth is watering as I write.
So I took the text to my Korean translators at school. Yeah, in spite of all the above belief, it ain't Chinese or Japanese, it's the script in Korean called Hangul. They told me that the adjectives don't exactly translate into English but generally it says "Shrimp on bread! Crunchy, savory and delicious." Happy now?
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