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Sitting or laying during static tables?

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Farmer Mat

New Member
May 5, 2003
hi folks,
what is better sitting or laying during o2 static tables?
i mostly did it in the bed, but i heard that one is able to breath better in a sitting position....

before i forget, how far should i push when i do a o2 table?
90% or 80%....
and with co2 tables? 60%

okay thats it for today.... thanks
I do it on a reclining chair so that my legs are higher than my heart.

I have always pushed O2 tables to 90% of max, and CO2 to 50%.
Don't say that too loudly Mark, people will start to talk :D

Point taken Donna.

Just as well I didn't mention the leather covering and fake leopard skin throw.

You probably think I'm joking, don't you....?
Its all about making you more relaxed and if having your legs higher than your heart whilst laying on leather with a fake leopard skin throw does it for you, then maybe I should give it a go...............

Hmmm, the mind boggles....

D x
mmm.. the brits dragging the tone down again .... : )

I do it lying down... unless I am tired and then I do it sitting in a comfy chair (as if I lie down I fall asleep)

it helps if I look out of the window at something interesting!

best ever dry statics were sitting in the window of a hotel in Nice looking out over the bay


thanks for your replies - some of them are usefull others less ;)
But anyway thanks..

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