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slowing your heart rate

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Raw Foods

how did the raw foods diet turn out. I imagin that there would be more energy since cooking food is a chemical reaction. But then again, you could just eat more cooked food. was it profitable?
Raw Food Diet

The raw food diet can be incredibly good, but, the problem is that it is very complicated. Most books on 'raw diet' just say, 'eat raw plant food!' and they don't say that you should be careful and balance things.

So, there is a new book called 'Raw Secrets' ( which I pre-ordered. Apparently it explains how to balance foods on the diet to obtain the best results.

When I switched to the raw diet, my static apnea increased immedietaly and dramatically (5'21 -> 6'26), and it remained elevated throughout the diet. I felt good for the first 2 months (very good), but then I slowly started to feel worse and worse until I stopped after 8 months. When I switched to cooked foods, I suddenly felt better again, but then I started slowly feeling worse. So I switched back to the raw diet and felt great again. The bottom line was that I would feel good whenever I would switch diets! But after being on either diet for a long time, I wouldn't feel good. (I set several Canadian records while I was on the raw diet, 5'23, 5'41, 57m, 63m), but subsequent records (after Nov-2000) were done on a cooked food diet.

Eric Fattah
BC, Canada
I believe evreybody have their ways , but I have to say it is pretty amazing what you can do with visualizations techniques and meditation, it is a long road and rather difficult is total disciplin.
What I personaly do I try to visualize myself when I am half awake in the morning still in the dreamworld. Visualizing this I try to recreate the environement and get to the point where my metabolism is close to when I am waking up.
I do it before to get in the boat and right before the dive.
On the more down to earth side I do not eat and drink water.
When I start going down it is like getting back to the dream world.
Another experiment I have done is to step out of bed early in the morning Half awake and then do some Pranayama and go down, in that way my metabolism stay the same way and my heartrate is slow.

I love reading some of the more interesting forums. Who needs T.V., or even a book! Half the time I'm laughing, half scratching my head, and the other half nodding in either agreeance or disbelief( and the combination allows me to have three overlapping halves;) )
I come from a sports science background and i don't want to try the 1 meal a day plan, but hey...if it works go for it. It obviously doesn't do you any harm. I think this forum goes a long way to proving something i strongly believe in.... It doesn't matter what the scientists say(well i battle saying that because the anlaytical side of me knows it does) but the power of the mind is the most incredible performance enhancer going. And if eating turtle snot and slug slime helps then why not(it does for chinese swimmers!)

Does anyone else have any concepts that could be considered(no offence to anyone;) ) a little bizarre...ok...a little different.

This is interesting.

p.s. i am trying to convince my girlfriend that licking @$ !@#$%^&* @#&^* I !@(* is training...but she won't go for it...damn!
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And if eating turtle snot and slug slime helps then why not

Well, I did, and I felt good for the first 2 months (very good), but then I slowly started to feel worse and worse until I stopped after 8 months. Besides feeling worse and worse, I also had a lot of trouble equalizing my ears - it felt as if my sinuses were clogging up with extra mucous!:eek:
Oh lighten up

I was just kidding . . .(actually, I just never developed a taste for the stuff).
Re: Oh lighten up

Originally posted by cjborgert
I was just kidding . . .(actually, I just never developed a taste for the stuff).

...neither did king pete's girlfriend! :waterwork
Erik Y.
king pete:
And if eating turtle snot and slug slime helps then why not(it does for chinese swimmers!)
Isn't that what most chinese people eat regadless to occupation?
:D (sorry, could'nt resist)
Slowing the heart rate

There are some pranayama yoga excercises. You can slower your heart rate by doing them.
lowering rates of stuff

ok my old coach told me that if I wanted to slow down my heart rate and thus my metabolism and so increase my static time I needed to..
work bloody hard on cardio stuff at the gym

for nearly a year now I have been trying to exercise at or near max heart rate for around 20 minutes every time I go to the gym

please tell me this was not a waste of time as its painful!!


24 hour fast? NO WAY
trancing out

another technique for statics/calming down

this is one from NLP, the idea is to put yourself in a trance like state. you can also use it to get to sleep

think of three things you can
think of two things you can
think of one thing you can
think your way around your body and find the most comfortable bit

imagine that comfort spreading from that zone to the rest of you

visualise black black black as dark as you can be

stay in the black comfortable zone until you need to come up

works for me but I usually "imagine" the seeing bit as I prefer to shut my eyes for static

Sam wrote:
"24 Hour Fast- NO WAY "

Sam, I think you should be setting an example for The Deepest know he's a bit rotund :t
Erik Y.
That bears the coolest, but I reckon he needs a deepest bearette... ;)

Just noticed this thread, and I did the 24 hours with only water thing yesterday (accidently too :)) before doing some statics, and when I did my first warm up static, I reckon my heart rate dropped below 40 (in the first 30 secs), which is unusual for me. My resting heart rate is normally around 60 or so, and it drops to 45-50 at the start of a static.

Eric, when you did your graph, did you also consider doing one for dynamic? They always say 3 hours after eating for dynamic, but would you get any benefit from doing say 24 hours fasting before dynamics?

Cheers all,

Originally posted by loopy
I reckon my heart rate dropped below 40 (in the first 30 secs), which is unusual for me. My resting heart rate is normally around 60 or so, and it drops to 45-50 at the start of a static.

Is that normal? My heart rate always goes up at the start of a static, and after the static drops to below my normal resting rate.

No one yet has mentioned it in this thread, but a while ago there was another thread on self-hypnosis where someone said he managed to get himself to relax instantly whenever he wanted just by saying a few words. Did anyone else ever try this?

pranayama - slowing heart rate

tell me more that sounds loads better than hours on an exercise bike!
Originally posted by DeepThought

I'm curious if a serious reseach on that was ever made.
I don't rule out the possibility of some one gaining some control on the autonomous nervous system... nerves in our brain are rerouting every second we are alive, with some good practice in the right direction, who knows.

Good luck doing it. :)

We briefly studied biofeedback in psych... from what I understand, we do have the ability to influence our autonomic nervous system...especially via what is known as "autonomic conditioning"

It's just that normally we don't have feedback to indicate whether we're actually doing anything with our blood pressure, skin temp, heart rate, brain wave frequency, etc...

for voluntary actions such as moving our arms, we have what is called proprioceptive feedback (which tells you where the position of your arm is even when your eyes are closed, for example) so we are better able to modulate those movements and effect them with our will.

With biofeedback techniques, machines that display information about our "autonomic signs" act as a crude substitute, and studies have conclusively demonstrated that people are able to influence things like skin temperature, heart rate, etc, even though they are not quite sure how they are doing it....

this is similar to the description that somoene offered earlier about conducting an orchestra to lower the tempo, or the invisible levers in the black box.

So it becomes an interesting question - if the heart is a servant, then is the master the systemic pulse of the nervous system, or the metabolism? I guess you'd hafta define metabolism in this context...

This makes sense. I am very A.D.D. and tried Beta wave conditioning. It was quite sucsessful. They displayed my beta waves (one of many brain patern waves, and as I understand, the one most responsable for concentration) on a computer moniter, and over a month, I trippeled my control. This worked well since beta waves react imidiatly. I imagin heart rate could be the same, though skin temp. would be much harder because feedback is slower. But it should still be possible.

The yogis taught us that total control over the autonomic system is possible. Remember that during the Menninger experiment in the 1970's, Swami Rama stopped his heart for 17 seconds while connected to a bunch of equipment. He also said he could stop his heart for much longer, but in order to do that he needed to fast for 4 days before hand (which he did not have a chance to do before the experiment).

He also did many more amazing things which the researchers were afraid to publish in fear of ridicule.

Eric Fattah
BC, Canada

Swami Rama also told the researchers HOW he stopped his heart. He explained that he visualized a line of light getting brighter and brighter. He explained in detail the location of this line of light (around his neck somewhere). The researchers immedietaly identified this location as the location of the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve slows the heart when stimulated. So, Swami Rama simply visualized his vagus nerve getting brighter and brighter, which somehow stimulated it, which caused his heart to slow to a complete halt.

Eric Fattah
BC, Canada - The Worlds Largest Community Dedicated To Freediving, Scuba Diving and Spearfishing


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