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Snorkeler Here

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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May 14, 2022
Hi everyone. I pretty much grew up snorkeling mostly in lakes but never learned diving. My dad had been a diving instructor and didn't think my sister and I should learn. She has asthma and I can get a little panicky at times although calm down fairly quickly. I would like to learn to hold my breath for a little longer. Though I don't know how long I can hold my breath for. I need to test myself when the pool opens again.
I love the water though. I have 4 freshwater fish tanks. Bettas, tetras and miniature catfish. Tried to use a pick of one of my boys, Trace as my avatar pic but it was too big. I'm also trying to write a book and picture Alexandra Daddorio as my main character which is why I ended up with her as my avatar.
Hi ‘Daniacat’
Please watch this video

You’ll find many others on the net
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