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Solo spearfishing for flatfish

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Jun 8, 2020
I will spend the next two weekends in the south of Denmark spearfishing for flatfish. Unfortunately I can't find a divebuddy. I am from Germany where it is illegal to spearfish and I do not have many contacts in Denmark which makes it pretty hard to find somebody to dive with. I really don't want to cancel my trip because of that so I am planning to snorkel in shallow water where I can see the bottom and spot the fish without diving. I would only go on the occasional duck dive to secure a fish and will have a watch with me to check my dive time. My plan is to stay underwater for a maximum of 40 seconds. I am aware of the shallow water blackout and know that there is always a risk. Do you have any tips on how to lower the risk even more?

Best regards, Laurin :)
I usually spearfish alone. Be careful. Don't push times and depths too much; give yourself time to"acclimatize"/adjust comfortably naturally and gradually. Have friends or family on shore/nearby if you can; with a phone to call the coast guard if necessary ;)

Btw for shallow depths, if diving down and staying down a while, you normally need to carry more weight than when deep diving. But again be careful ;)

Good luck Laurin. Stay safe ;)
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