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South Devon 2015

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I was in Dawlish today. The water looked clear. Gonna try a dive this evening I thinks.
I thought I'd give Dawlish Warren a go. Went in just before dusk and stayed in until about 1030. Lots of life, mostly juvenile. I only saw one big bass/mullet, but it was gone as soon as I saw it. There were a few small flatties, and red mullet. Quite a lot of small squid ~5cm. Does anyone know if the squid get bigger than this or are they a small species? Also some other species that I couldn't identify. There were a few silver fish about the size of a finger and very docile, and a school of fish that were ~15cm with pointy faces. The pointy face fish maybe a cod family but were too skitish to let me count the fins!
Came home fishless, but all in all a much better experience than my last night dive in a completely unlit cove. Call me a pussy, but I much prefer to have some lights on the shore!
I guess vis was 2/3m. The water is clearing again, just in time for the easterly wind forecast Tue+Wed :cry:
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On the squid note I caught one off the kayak about 2 miles off lime Regis on a jig a couple of months ago. Was just under a foot and a half long.. Was huge! put up a hell of a fight too. Didn't make very good eating though was a bit tough compared to smaller and tasted a bit bland.
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Hi all just got back from a dive. Vis was good. Sadly only saw a wrasse and some little fish

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Just back from first dive in ages, expecting good vis but mostly very poor, 2 m best. Loads of small bait fish, red mulllet, dab around. Thinking I was coming home empty handed I found 4-5 bass together one was a bit of monster, nice head shot and 7lb 10oz PB bass was on the stringer,. Just wrestled the brute into my fridge.
Well done mate. Just checked dawlish and teignmouth, slight NE has churned it up. Might try South hams later, any viz reports anyone
I went out from Teignmouth today. Started with ok vis 3/4 m which slowly reduced over the afternoon.

I saw the biggest mullet I have ever seen! I was creeping around a big rock on the sand and out of no where this massive mullet came racing past. I didn't even get time to think about a shot! Oh well - next time.
I bought a cuttlefish home for dinner. I love cuttlefish - both on a plate and in the sea - one of my favourites.

Scrumpy - give us a report if you dive S.Hams, I may give it a go tomorrow. Thanks.
Been in Ibiza for the last couple of weeks with all my gear. plenty of fish around to catch, mostly bream which was nice eating. However yesterday while I was in I was resurfacing and in the process a shoal of 50+ barracuda come into view and once they saw me there was no chance of a shot. Pissed me right off as I probably should've seen them before...
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Hi all, went in last night on low tide @ 01:00 teinmouth area, vis was very pacthy 0M over reef/weed up to 2M over sandy areas. Missed a good Bass, couple of others seen but a bit on the small side. any vis reports would be welcome planning to go this evening.
Took the dinghy out from Teignmouth today. Around 1m vis in the reefy areas. I wouldn't have bothered as it looked pretty murky, but there were mackerel splashing about and a seal that kept looking at me taunting me to get in. I was hoping for 20m vis so I could watch the seal chase the mackerel, but the reality was that I could only just make out the end of my spear!
Later on I anchored around 500m from shore to feather for mackerel. The water looked much clearer. I may take a look tomorrow - I've never tried diving that far away from shore only over sand.
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just got back from beer area, schoolie bass around and a few small flaties seen on drops Vis not that great but enough to make it enjoyable. no seals but i guess they dont dive at night.
Any vis S.Hams way ..., Plymouth area possibly ...hope to get out tomorrow ...
Hi, new to this. I have been in Brittany for the last week at Saint Laurence near Concarneau and decided after watching a few spearo's to have a go. Picked up a Beauchat 900 and snorkel gear. Had a bit of a float on the surface seeing a few small bream but can't see any flatties at all! Looking to start in Devon along the South Coast, would prefer calm areas with good chance of flatfish. Any advice for a complete newbie would be greatly appreciated!
Lady Luck smiled on me and gave me an unexpected dive opportunity after work, had to take it so got in Torquay. Generally poor vis, around 2 meters but up to 3 in certain areas. Had rigged up my 90cm before hand but soon changed to my 60cm which hadn't been fired yet. Saw bass within 30 seconds of being in the water and mullet soon followed. However, despite seeing quite a lot of fish about, a mixture of them being particularly skittish and poor vis made it hard to line up reliable shots throughout the 2 hour dive. Frustrating but glad to at last see so much about.

Took first shot at a bass about 10 mins into the dive, hit and my gun was christened. Sadly it came off though and made away. 10 mins later another shot at a bass which didn't seem to connect. Went back to the surface and pulled the spear up to find the bass on the end skewered hence it not giving any movement on the spear. Nice. Despatched but when took off the spear it convulsed and slipped out of my hands, grabbed at it 5-6 times and managed to maintain grip. Phew.

Half an hour or so later took a mullet and that was it for the dive. Would have been nice to have taken more but a pleasurable dive nonetheless and time well spent in the water before I do the AIDA 3* this Friday and over the weekend.
good report mate. i called in at meadfoot and teignmouth last night but both looked iffy. I will try over next couple of nights not sure whether to stay local or try south hams ?
Well done Dai , would be nice to hear how you get on doing your free diving course , is it with the group in Newquay ?
Hi all just quick vis report in around 18:00 between tmouth and babacombe, vis was very milky 2m max close in even less further out.
mackeral coming in to waters edge to feed on bait fish, nothing seen worth taking but few bass on the size limit, left them to grow a bit. Any one know if there is any dredging going on at the moment?, the vis was that bad, i know the teign gets dredged.
Well done Dai , would be nice to hear how you get on doing your free diving course , is it with the group in Newquay ?

Thanks Terry and yes it is with Freedive UK.

Up at 5am in a few hours to fit another dive in before work. Don't expect much vis wise but will hopefully be able to add a few notches to my 60cm:-D before the weather turns.