A lot of deep diving this afternoon searching for Plaice. After climbing down the cliff and getting my kit sorted at the waters edge, a wave came in and washed me into the rock I was sat on. No problem usually, but this time my wickedly sharp stringer got in the way, and two inches of steel stabbed me in the top of my thigh. The wound looks small, but it's deep and is aching like a bastard. Moral of the story is, be careful out there. Accidents can happen out of the blue, usually when you don't expect it, normally when you're somewhere remote and unable to call for help.
On the plus side, I carried on with the dive, met Shiny 1 who was out on his boat. He put me on a good mark for future reference. Only took one plaice as my leg was throbbing really bad after an hour. Then I had to climb back up the cliff to the car!
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