Commercial fishermen feed fish to people who cant get it themselves and do damage to the enviorment in the process. Farmers feed beef and veg. to people who cant get it themselves and do damage to the enviorment in the process. We cant ban commercial anything cause thats how people survive. If ya want to ban something, ban people from having babies! The world is over-populated and its getting worse everyday! Priority's are screwed up for everyone as seen everyday in the news. The people who are responsible for all our food(farmers and fishermen), are always on the hook and barely makeing a living while entertainers and such live like gods! How screwed up is that if you think about it? I hunt, fish, trap, spearfish, and farm. I do it all for food and for a living and i love it. Why i love it? Who cares, but i eat what i take and i dont waste. Sorry if i got a little off topic or offend anyone as that was not my intentions...just speaking my mind. P.S...just want to congradulate everyone on this topic, and hell, on this board, as i believe this is the first time i seen this topic discussed without it turning to a war.