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Spearfishing in Bali January 2011

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Underwater Traveller
Jun 27, 2008

Hopefully someone out there can help me

I'm arriving in Bali on January 9th for 3 weeks on a surf n spear mission. Probably staying in Kuta to start with until I can find some cheap accommodation around the Nusa Dua / Sanur area as the surf will be better there.. and hopefully the diving too.

I was going to bring my blades, weights and belt, 2 guns (hopefully 1 bluewater gun), float and line and the usual knife etc.. I expect to do some shore dives but would love to go after some bigger pelagics such as the Dogtooth Tuna you get out there.. I just need to find someone who I can hook up with when I'm there as experience is key when you are dealing with the dangers of bluewater hunting!

I have freedived up to about 20m.. 10-15 comfortably.

So.. if you.. or anyone you might know would be keen to hook up for some dives, I'd love to meet up.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers. Jim

Oh.. a bit about me! - I Live in Newquay, Cornwall (UK). I've been to Bali twice before but only to surf...Last trip I went out to Sumbawa with Captain Coconut and since then I have been selling surf trips for Rocky's 'Bali Wavehunter' and "Captain Coconut" trips for the last 4 years. I've been heavily into surfing for about 12 years. Been spearing about 3 or 4. January last year I had an operation on my hip which put me out of the surf for the best part of this year so I went all in on the spearing this year.. and it is now up there with surfing as my favourite things to do. In the UK we mostly spear bass.. cod.. mullet.. flatfish.. for which I had a good year. I was also involved in a UK record this year which was awesome.. first bluefin tuna ever speared in the UK.. 34lbs.. it was my friend who speared it but it took 2 of us to boat the fish! This is the sort of thing I want to do more of!!

So.. theres a bit about me.. I'll add a pic of the tuna (I'm the one on the right!) and a video link too.

Look forward to hearing from you!

[ame=http://vimeo.com/28616761]Spearfishing 2011 - Best of Summer on Vimeo[/ame]

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