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Spearfishing in the vicinity of Newport Beach

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Jun 18, 2019
Hello All,

I am from California originally but have been living in CT and more recently Indonesia but my brother has moved to Newport Beach and I am keen to going for a hunt when I come out next week. I am pretty decent freediver yet on the newer side to spearfishing although I have had some luck in progressing pretty well so far over the last year and a half.

I am certified as a level 2 SSI freediving instructor and when on a line I'll dive to the low mid 40 meters 130-150 feet and when hunting in current and low vis I'm more comfortable with 50-80 feet. I'll be coming with all gear except lead and a speargun as I'm off to Indo after Newport. I'd be happy to pay to rent those.

Is there anyone that might be interested in some hunting - the kelp forests of CA have always been intriguing, I like shore diving too. I'll be there 2/24-3/1 give or take and would love to have a crack if anyone is interested. Also, I'd be happy to reciprocate helping out if anyone has plans to head to Lombok/Bali/Indo.

Thank you for your time to read this and any suggestions you might have,

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