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spearfishing panama

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Feb 13, 2020
I am headed to Central Americas Panama 2x's in the next 2 months and will be spearing my little heart out for some good pelagics and reef fish. We are looking at staying at a surf/spear camp near Playa Negrito on the Pacific Side which is run a by a Surfer named Steve. I have never been down to this area and there does not seem to be to many spearfishing companies in the region or country for that matter. I am hoping some one on here may have a few tips on boat captains, locations, places to spear possible or contacts for me while i am down there. I will be down there April 30th- May 9th or so with 1-2 buddies. I have looked into Hannibal Banks and hear that it is now closed to spearfishing and sport-fishing other than catch and release. Of course this is fishing and we know how those stories tend to go. Let me know if you have anything for me
Thanks in advance.
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